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请注意,开源许可证并不限制工具的运行。例如,GPLv3确认运行未经修改的软件的无限权限。许可证设置了创建和分发衍生作品的条件。使用GPL v3许可的Qt Creator并不意味着您的软件获得了GPL v3许可,除非您的软件修改了您将要分发的现有软件,并且这些软件是根据GPL v3许可的。



Qt Design Studio

A UI design and development environment for creating animated user interfaces.

Qt Widgets Designer

A tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Qt Widgets. Integrated into Qt Creator.

Qt Shader Tools

Tools for the cross-platform Qt shader pipeline. These enable processing graphics and compute shaders to make them usable for Qt Quick and other components in the Qt ecosystem. 


Provides a live reloader environment for rapid development of Qt Quick applications, dramatically reducing the time it takes to deploy and test changes in the UI design. 

QML Runtime

A utility to load and display QML documents. 

Qt Quick Effect Maker

A standalone tool for creating high-performance shader effects for Qt Quick. Provides both a node and code editor to maximize productivity.


Qt 拥有自己的跨平台集成开发环境(IDE),并且内置了大量工具,专为开发应用程序和用户界面(UI)而设计,能够一次开发,部署到多个操作系统上。

Qt Creator

A cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms.

Qt Linguist

A set of tools for translating Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications into local languages.


Qt's build automation tool that simplifies the build process across different platforms. Although qmake is still supported, the official build tool for Qt is CMake and we recommend developers to use CMake in new projects. 


CMake is a tool to simplify the build process for development projects across different platforms. CMake automatically generates build systems, such as Makefiles and Visual Studio project files. 


A tool to generate pre-rendered fonts for embedded Linux.

Meta-Object Compiler (moc)

Generates meta-object information for QObject subclasses.

User Interface Compiler (uic)

Generates C++ code from user interface files.

Resource Compiler (rcc)

Embeds resources into Qt applications during the build process.

Qt D-Bus XML compiler (qdbusxml2cpp)

Converts D-Bus interface descriptions to C++ source code.

D-Bus Viewer

Introspection tool for D-Bus objects and messages.

Qt Visual Studio Tools

Integrates the Qt development tools into Microsoft Visual Studio.

Qt Distance Field Generator

Generates distance fields to improve load times of text-heavy Qt Quick user interfaces.

Qt Installer Framework

Provides a set of tools and utilities to create installers for the supported desktop platforms.

Qt Assistant

A tool for viewing Qt documentation.

On-device Deployment and Debugging

On-device debugging and deployment of Qt applications via Qt Creator.


A tool for controlling Boot2Qt devices. 

Android Deploy Qt (androiddeployqt)

This tool automates the Qt application deployment on Android. 

Windows Deploy Qt (windowdeployqt)

This tool automates the Qt application deployment on Windows. 

Tools for Active Qt

Enables Qt integration with the ActiveX components. Includes Interface Description Compiler (IDC), dumpcpp, and dumpdoc tools. 


A tool used by Qt Developers to generate documentation for software projects.


A tool, verifying the syntax validity of QML files.


A tool, automatically formatting the QML files in accordance with the QML Coding Conventions.

QML Profiler

Enables you to get the necessary diagnostic information, allowing you to analyze the application code for performance issues. 

Qt Configuration Tool (qtconfig-gui)

A tool, providing features and tools for creating and building smaller Qt binaries.

Python Shiboken Wizard

A binding generator tool, which can be used to expose C++ projects to Python. 

Qt Quick Compiler

Lets you process QML and JavaScript code at compile time, rather than at run time. This allows faster application startup and faster evaluation of bindings and functions. 

Qt Quick Ultralight Compiler

Compiles QML files and graphical resources into C++ classes optimized for resources-constrained target platforms such as MCUs. 

Qt Quick Ultralight Project Exporter

Exports Qt Quick Ultralight projects to project files for embedded IDEs such as Green Hills MULTI or IAR Embedded Workbench.

Qt AI Assistant

Qt AI Assistant is a coding assistant extension for Qt Creator IDE. Qt AI Assistant generates expert advise, QML code, Qt Test cases, and code documentation.



Qt Core

Core non-graphical classes used by other modules.


Base classes for graphical user interface components. Includes OpenGL.

Qt Network

Classes to make network programming easier and more portable.


Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.,All,All,C++

Qt Quick Dialogs

Types for creating and interacting with system dialogs from a Qt Quick application. 

Qt Quick Layouts

Layouts are items that are used to arrange Qt Quick 2 based items in the user interface.

Qt D-Bus

Classes for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol.

Qt Quick

A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces.

Qt Quick Controls

Provides lightweight QML types for creating performant user interfaces for desktop, embedded, and mobile devices. These types employ a simple styling architecture and are very efficient.

Qt Quick Test

A unit test framework for QML applications, where the test cases are written as JavaScript functions.

Qt Test

Classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries.

Qt Widgets

Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets.



Qt Multimedia

Classes for audio, video, and camera functionality. 

Qt Multimedia Widgets

Qt Multimedia sub-module, containing widget-based classes for implementing multimedia functionality.

Active Qt

Classes for applications which use ActiveX and COM.

Qt 3D

Functionality for near-realtime simulation systems with support for 2D and 3D rendering.

Qt Bluetooth

Provides access to Bluetooth hardware. 

Qt Concurrent

Classes for writing multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives.

Qt Help

Classes for integrating documentation into applications, similar to Qt Assistant.

Qt Image Formats

Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP.


Provides access to Near-Field communication (NFC) hardware. 

Qt OpenGL

OpenGL support classes. Deprecated in favor of the QOpenGL* classes in the Qt GUI module.

Qt Positioning

Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes. 

Qt Print Support

Classes to make printing easier and more portable.

Qt Quick Widgets

Provides a C++ widget class for displaying a Qt Quick user interface.

Qt Remote Objects

Provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's API (Properties/Signals/Slots) between processes or devices. 


Provides classes and tools for creating state machines from SCXML files and embedding them in applications.

Qt Sensors

Provides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition. 

Qt Serial Bus

Provides access to serial industrial bus interface. Currently the module supports the CAN bus and Modbus protocols. 

Qt Serial Port

Provides access to hardware and virtual serial ports. 


Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. Supports a subset of the SVG 1.2 Tiny standard.

Qt UI Tools

Classes for loading QWidget based forms created in Qt Designer dynamically, at runtime.

Qt WebChannel

Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients. 

Qt WebEngine

Classes and functions for embedding web content in applications using the Chromium browser project. 

Qt WebSockets

Provides WebSocket communication compliant with RFC 6455. 

Qt WebView

Displays web content in a QML application by using APIs native to the platform, without the need to include a full web browser stack. 


C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.

Qt Wayland Compositor

Provides a framework to develop a Wayland compositor.


Classes for database integration using SQL.

Qt Charts

UI Components for displaying visually pleasing charts, driven by static or dynamic data models.

Qt Data Visualization

UI Components for creating stunning 3D data visualizations.

Qt Network Authorization

Provides support for OAuth-based authorization to online services.

Qt Virtual Keyboard

A framework for implementing different input methods as well as a QML virtual keyboard. Supports localized keyboard layouts and custom visual themes.

Qt Safe Renderer

Provides a UI rendering component that can be used to render safety-critical items, such as warning indicators, in functional safety systems.

Qt Application Manager

Provides a basis for a multi-application embedded system, taking care of application lifecycle management.

Qt Device Utilities

Provides functionality for controlling various settings in embedded applications. 


A machine-to-machine (M2M) protocol that provides a communication channel with minimal overhead.


A Qt API for interacting with OPC UA, a protocol for data modelling and data exchange in industrial applications.


Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a machine-to-machine web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and networks in the Internet of Things.

Qt Quick Ultralite Controls

Provides lightweight UI controls that can be customized to create performant user interfaces for embedded devices.

Qt Quick Ultralite

A graphics rendering engine to render QML applications on resource-constrained hardware with low memory requirements.

Non-automotive MCU Deployment Platforms

Hardware specific adaptations to allow Qt Quick Ultralite applications to run on target hardware.

Automotive MCU Deployment Platforms

Hardware specific adaptations to allow Qt Quick Ultralite applications to run on target hardware.

Qt Design Studio Bridge

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and XD and Sketch and Figma Bridges for the Qt Design Studio to convert artwork into Qt Quick files.

Qt Quick Timeline

Enables keyframe-based animations and parameterization. 

Qt Lottie Animation

A QML API for rendering graphics and animations in JSON format, exported by the Bodymovin plugin for Adobe ® After Effects. 

Qt 5 Core Compatibility APIs

The module contains the Qt Core APIs, which will be no longer supported in Qt 6 and therefore were removed from Qt 6.

Qt State Machine

Provides classes for creating and executing state graphs. 

Qt Quick 3D

Provides a high-level API for creating 3D content or UIs based on Qt Quick. 

Qt Interface Framework (former IVI)

Provides both the tools and the core APIs to implement middleware APIs, middleware back ends, and middleware services. 

Qt for Android Automotive OS Car Service API

Java bindings for C++ code to interact with the Car API. 

Simulink support for Qt Design Studio

Use the Simulink connector to connect simulation to your UI. Simulink is a MATLAB-based graphical programming environment for modelling, simulating, and analysing multi-domain dynamic systems. 


Displays PDF documents. Allows showing product documentation within the application. 

Boot to Qt

A lightweight, Qt-optimized, full software stack for embedded Linux systems. The stack is using the traditional embedded Linux kernel built with Poky, the reference distribution of Yocto Project.

Qt for Python commercial add-ons

Machine-to-machine protocols (CoAP, MQTT, OPC UA) for Python developers. 

Qt HTTP Server

Supports building an HTTP server into an application. It provides a server-side implementation of the HTTP protocol with Transport Layer Security support. 

Qt Quick 3D Physics

Qt Quick 3D Physica provides a high-level API for physics simulation. It supports simulating interactive rigid bodies as well as static meshes and non-colliding bodies used for detecting overlaps.  

Qt TextToSpeech

Qt TextToSpeech enables Qt applications to access accessibility features such as text-to-speech. 

Qt for Python

Offers the official Python bindings for Qt, which enables you to use Python to write your Qt applications. 

Qt Location

Supports adding items, e.g., highlighting certain geographical areas, on the top of the maps. For example,


Allows easy access to gRPC-based services with Qt.

Qt Protobuf

A generator for Qt-based classes for serializing and deserializing protobuf messages. 

Qt Graphs

Hardware accelerated powerful toolkit for creating interactive and dynamic 2D and 3D data visualizations.