Getting Started with Qt {Qt Virtual Tech Con 2020}
Get started with Qt and its IDE, Qt Creator, and join our webinar where Qt’s Pre-sales Engineer will guide you through the steps.From installation to deployment to the target system, you will learn the essentials to start the development of your Qt application in no time. Qt being available on a wide variety of platforms, key differences between desktop, mobile and embedded development will be highlighted. The webinar will cover: Installation,Configuration based on host and target system, How to choose between Qt Quick and Qt Widgets, Creation of a simple project with both UI technologies, Deployment to the target system, and Debugging and profiling Speaker: Emmanuel Penzes Qt Virtual Tech Con 2020 was held in May 2020. 35+ live tech talks, Q&As, and more were carried out by members of the international Qt community, in a free online event for designers, developers, and technology managers; focusing on interactive learning to create high performance UI/UX, applications with the Qt framework.
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