Building an app with Qt for MCU on top of FreeRTOS {Qt Virtual Tech Con 2020}
Join this webinar to learn how to build an example application that uses M4/M7 cores where: M4 core contains safety critical business logic and M7 has all the UI. M7 core logic is additionally split into two tasks: one for UI rendering and other for receiving from M4 core, parsing and passing to M7 NOTE: This is not a training session, this is an overview how to do that with Qt for MCU. For a complete 1-day programming for microcontrollers training please join Qt World Summit 2020 training or reach Base (CMake, compilers etc) Building M4 and M7 with one toolchain Bring you own FreeRTOS (m7) Starting QUL task/thread Inter-task cooperation Inter-CPU cooperation Speaker: Bartosz Taczala, Tech Lead, Siili Bartosz is an experienced in Qt for MCUs and is a tech lead at Siili.
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