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Squish 8.0 Available Now

The Squish team is thrilled to announce the release of Squish GUI Tester 8.0, the ultimate software quality assurance tool for automated cross-platform GUI testing. With the introduction of a novel approach to testing (model-based testing, MBT), this release is designed to bring your automated testing efforts to the next level.

Model-Based Testing

Model-based testing (MBT) is a systemic approach to testing that utilizes models as high-level abstractions of systems under test.

In this release, Squish makes its first strides into providing a comprehensive set of tools for model-based testing and delivers the following new features:

  • An easy-to-use graphical MBT model editor in Squish IDE for editing Squish Step diagrams

  •  A test case editor to create MBT test cases as various paths through the model

  •  Full integration into existing test projects: MBT test cases can co-exist in test suites along with previously created scripted or BDD test cases and make use of shared test scripts and resources

  • MBT step skeleton generation and completion

  •  Script API in all supported scripting languages

To learn more about model-based testing, read our introduction to MBT blog as well as the follow-up article about practical application of MBT in the Squish IDE or watch a short demo video below. MBT tutorial and example MBT test suites are also included in every Squish 8.0 binary packages.

Note: MBT support in Squish GUI Tester is a technical preview (see Squish knowledge base for the list of known limitations). In order to improve and provide the best quality tools in the future, we encourage all MBT-curious users and testers to submit their feedback.

Note: Customers who use Test Center to manage their test results will need to upgrade their Test Center instance to version 3.3.1 (or newer) in order to be able to process the results of MBT tests.


Qt 6.7 Support is Here

As it is customary with Squish for Qt following stable releases of Qt, Squish 8.0 comes with support for automated testing of applications built with Qt 6.7,  and allows users to keep their automated tests in sync with their AUTs, as these migrate to newer versions of Qt.

Squish for Qt on Linux on arm64

With the first pre-built Qt binaries for Linux on arm64 (LoA) landing in Qt 6.7,  Squish for Qt delivers matching binary packages for Linux. These packages contain everything the users need (including the Squish IDE and squishrunner) to get started with testing Qt 6.7 applications on arm64-based Linux desktops.

Downloading a ready-made binary Squish package for LoA  greatly simplifies the set-up of testing environment on the  platform, which was previously supported, but somewhat complex process, only made possible through building parts of Squish from source, installing the Squish IDE on a separate, x86_64-based system and testing the AUT remotely.

To learn more about Squish for Qt on the new platform, read our earlier introduction to LoA blog article that describes its advantages and possible use-cases of in more detail.

Release Notes

In addition to these new features, we fixed more than 150 bugs across all Squish editions and source packages in this release. For a comprehensive list of bug fixes, improvements, as well as other important changes, check out Squish 8.0 release notes . A list of known issues for this release can be found in the Squish knowledge base.

Squish Download and Evaluation

Customers and current evaluators can download Squish GUI Tester 8.0 binary and source packages from the Qt Customer Portal. If you are new to Squish and interested in evaluating any Squish edition for free, you can request a fully functional trial here.

Download Squish

Squish Evaluation

The form only offers a selection of most requested package options. You can download more specific packages from the customer portal after you get the account.

Your business email address will be used to create an account for your trial licence. If you do not already have an Qt account, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to set your password to access your account.
We will be in contact to confirm that you will have everything you need for a productive trial.


Note: Customers with an existing subscription to Squish 7.x series may upgrade to Squish 8.0 at no additional cost. In the future however, major feature releases of Squish will require a new subscription.

Note: With the release of Squish 8.0.0, Squish 7.1.1 approaches the end of time frame in which it is covered by standard support. Customers with standard support contract using Squish 7.1.1 will continue to receive assistance with migrating their Squish deployments to a newer Squish version (7.2.1 or 8.0.0)  in a 3-month grace period until the end of September 2024. After this date, Squish 7.2.1 and Squish 8.0.0 will become be the only supported versions of Squish. 
