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Coco 7.3.0: Enhanced TCL Support and Improved Qt Creator Plugin

Coco is a powerful cross-platform, cross-compiler code coverage analysis tool designed for safety-critical industries, including automotive and medical. 

The Coco team is happy to announce the release of Coco 7.3.0, which focuses on extended TCL support, more detailed function signatures for your C/C++ coverage and performance improvements. This is also a good time to highlight that Qt Creator 16, which was released last week, comes with improved support for Coco. 

Support for TCL 8.6 and newer 

In previous versions of Coco support for Tcl was limited to version 8.5 and older. Due to some optimizations implemented in newer Tcl versions our original approach for instrumenting Tcl code got rendered ineffective. With Coco 7.3.0 we have now revised our instrumentation approach for Tcl. Following the revision, instrumenting the Tcl code and running the instrumented program are now two separate steps.  

Improved visibility of coverage per function 

In C and C++, functions can have multiple signatures that differ in parameter types, qualifiers, or template specializations. Coco has always accounted for coverage across these variations, but starting with Coco 7.3.0, this information is now visible to the user. While the overall coverage percentage remains unchanged, Coco 7.3.0 makes it easier to identify which specific function variations may still lack coverage. 

Qt Creator 16 with improved Coco Plugin 

We have now extended and improved the Coco Integration of Qt Creator. In previous versions it allowed to display the coverage of source files using the Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation of Coco. In Qt Creator 16 it is now also able to configure your CMake and qmake project for code coverage. Take a look at the documentation to learn how to easily create Qt Creator build configurations for coverage builds. 

Release Notes 

Check out our Release Notes for a comprehensive list of improvements and fixes. 


Ready to try out the new release? Download via the Qt Customer portal.
