Great new things are coming with the latest Qt release. Read more about asset conditioning support in Qt, rewritten compiler pipeline for QML and JavaScript engine, unification of 3D engines, Qt Location updates, printing support for Linux, to name a few. This version of Qt will be officially supported for one year, but keep in mind that, if needed, you may always extend the support lifetime of your Qt release!
Our CTO Lars Knoll shares an overview of this and more in the release blog.
Qt 5.9 LTS raised the bar high in terms of performance and stability. We are taking it even a further step in that direction, strengthening our focus on the designer and developer experience. Get a full overview of all the new features, with our favorite highlights featured on this page with videos, blog posts and free webinars.
With the cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) we continue to make software development fast, easy and fun! It comes with a code editor for C++ and several other languages, and is integrated with tools for designing, testing, deploying and maintaining your code throughout the whole product life cycle. A bunch of good news coming your way from Eike Ziller, Principal Software Engineer at The Qt Company.
Currently supported Qt versions are Qt 5.6 LTS, Qt 5.9 LTS, Qt 5.10 and the latest Qt 5.11. All supported Qt versions are available to Qt customers along with the commercial-only features and access to Global Qt Support and Premium Support, on a variety of platforms and configurations. The Extended Lifetime Support is available upon request for some unsupported versions as well. In any case, we will make sure you're improving with us with the new features and perks! Need help with upgrading? Let us know!
Qt now has some new and improved communication protocols and interoperability functionalities, which massively enhance connectivity and remote UI and deployment. We're taking our mantra ''Code Less. Create More. Deploy Everywhere.'' to a whole new level with more ways to run Qt apps in web browsers!
Qt for Automation's QtKNX is the smart home library that translates your wishes into the KNX protocol.
Qt KNX is the first major step to bring home automation at the finger tips of Qt users. Multi-platform, elegant, flexible and easy to write software for smart homes will soon be possible. All it takes is the new QtKNX library, and the already existing functionalities of Qt.
WebAssembly is now supported by all major web browsers as a binary format for allowing sand-boxed executable code in web pages that is nearly as fast as native machine code. Qt for WebAssembly makes it possible to run Qt applications on many web browsers, without any download steps or special server requirements (other than serving the wasm file). Check out the examples directly in your browser!
OPC UA is a central element of the Industry 4.0 story providing seamless communication between IT and industrial production systems. The focus of Qt OPC UA is on HMI/application development and ease of use for client-side development. The Tech Preview allows to connect to servers, read and write attributes, call methods on the server, monitor values for data changes and browse nodes. All this functionality is provided by asynchronous APIs which integrate nicely into Qt applications.
Learn how Qt fans worldwide used Qt to build great things. Be it desktop, mobile, or embedded, from automation to UI design – there's some top notch engineering everywhere you look!
We are on a relentless mission to provide you new features and tools to keep you ahead of the curve! More things are coming in the next weeks, so stay tuned for our Qt Design Studio Tech Preview, Qt 3D Studio 2.0 release and Qt for Python. Get the latest release and events information, learning collateral and other Qt-related information by signing up to the newsletters of your interest!
Access our free webinars for expert advice, and instructions on how to use Qt to harness the true potential of your code. Available both live and on-demand! All webinar registrants will receive a copy of the recording, so go ahead and register even if you are not able to attend.
Learn about building Qt for Embedded devices running Linux. Learn how to add Qt recipes to your own Yocto build, and how to build library for systems without it. We'll cover the main factors to consider when choosing graphics and input handling and how to scale down to low-end devices with Qt Lite.
Length 60min