Posts written by admin

Squish Success at Perforce Software

Perforce Software, founded in 1995, markets and supports Perforce, the..

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Squish for Java selected at SNS REAAL as Test Automation Framework in a..

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Squish Success at Vodafone D2

Vodafone D2 Gmbh is a mobile phone company based in Germany owned by..

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Squish Success at Global Graphics

Nb! Qt has acquired froglogic GmbH in order to bring the functionality of..

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Squish Success at France Telecom

“Our main goal is to detect bugs as soon as possible during the..

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Find Out Why This Software Running on Millions of Devices Is Built Using froglogic’s Tools

The Qt Company, known globally for its cross-platform software framework..

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IC Manage – Squish for Qt users since 2006

IC Manage is a company that provides next generation design management..

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Precision Farming Technology Company

Precision Farming Technology Company Produces Measurable Quality..

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Squish Success at Weatherford Petroleum Consultants

Weatherford Petroleum Consultants (WPC) provides consulting services in..

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Squish Success at Mixed-Technology Company

A leading online poker company uses various Squish versions to test web..

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