
Software Architecture Check

Creating a long-lasting foundation for your software. With just a few simple steps you can ensure your code matches your software architecture.

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How to Get Started with Architecture Verification

Ensuring your code matches your architecture is easier than you may think. Once set-up, you can benefit from daily architecture checks and fix any issues at an early stage.

The architecture check uses an architectural description in a semi-formal notation, such as that provided by UML. Axivion Architecture Verification can import models and mapping information from widely used UML tools such as Enterprise Architect and IBM Rational Rhapsody®, or from other sources such as AUTOSAR arxml files. In this process, the mapping information describes how the architecture can be brought in line with the code.

Simple Set-up in Just a Few Steps


  • Create your architecture model
  • Create your code model
  • Map the code to your architecture
  • Interpret the dependencies




After importing, the graph of the model can be immediately compared with the graph of the implementation obtained from an Axivion code analysis. As a result, convergence occurs when the model and implementation agree. Absences result from excess relationships in the model that are not implemented in the implementation. Finally, if there are excess relationships in the implementation, divergences arise, which then indicate problems in the code.


Implementation and architecture can now be brought into agreement in an iterative process. Once the architecture review has become an integral part of the CI process , you can avoid relapses. Any architectural violations that arise are discovered immediately and can be discussed and resolved at an early stage. Compliance with the specified architecture in the code is thereby ensured, further architectural erosion is stopped and architectural debts can be remedied by using targeted refactoring measures that can be directly monitored via the results of the architecture check.

Start Verifying Your Software Architecture

Let us help you get started. We will support the roll-out of Axivion Architecture Verification, so you can immediately benefit from daily reporting. Reach out to our software architecture experts to schedule an appointment.

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