
Software Architecture Archaeology

Documenting a software project long after is was launched, is not impossible. Our tools make completing this seemingly unmanageable task possible.

We will help you dig into your code and step-by-step reveal your software's architecture.

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Architecture Recovery at its Best

If you take over a software project from another department or from a customer, the initial situation in terms of architecture is usually far from a validated architecture.

Often the documentation is not sufficient or understandable and you can only make assumptions about a possible architecture. In principle, the procedure is similar to that of architectural recovery, but represents an extreme form.


Use Axivion Architecture Archaeology to


  • document the architecture of your project from scratch
  • be able to maintain 3rd party code
  • create a future-proof foundation for your software



Software Archaeology: Find What You are Looking For

Step 1


Describe your hypothesis and define the mapping. If no usable documentation exists, use the included Axivion editor to draw your first hypothesis.

Step 2


Perform automated checks to find deviations from the hypothesis in the code.

Step 3


Assess the deviations by prioritizing the architecture violations, make the necessary adjustments and refine your hypothesis.

Step 4


Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 as often as needed until you verify that the architecture is accurate.

Unearth Your Software Architecture

Our experts will help you with the (re-)documentation of your project. Having to tackle such a task may seem overwhelming, but thanks to years of experience, we will guide you through the process to ensure your documentation not only is up-to-date, but also explain how it stays that way.
Contact us to learn more or to schedule an appointment for a demo.

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