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A Frictionless Quick Start with Qt Accelerate로 

CLEAN MOTION 은 에너지와 자원 효율성을 극대화하도록 설계된 도심 e-모빌리티를 위한 지속 가능한 차량을 제작합니다.  

EVIG 라스트마일(Last-mile) 배송용 차량을 위한 신속하고 효과적인 HMI 솔루션을 찾고 있던 CLEAN MOTION은 차량 인프라와의 신속한 통합과 브랜딩 및 커스터마이징을 위한 다양한 기회를 제공하는 쉽게 배포 가능한 레디메이드 제품인 Qt Accelerate를 선택했습니다.

단 1주일 만에 배포되는 즉시 사용 가능한 솔루션으로 업그레이드 및 커스터마이징을 위한 개방성을 유지하는 Qt Accelerate가 어떻게 자동차 업계의 HMI 개발을 가속화시킬 수 있는지 알아보세요.



즉시 구현


일의 가치 실현 시간(Time-to-value)


줄의 커스텀 코딩

Qt 솔루션 주요 내용

일주일 만에 전체 OS를 구현하여 시장 출시 기간 단축

레디메이드 템플릿 구성을 기반으로 하는 노코드(No-code) 솔루션

Figma 디자인을 함수형 코드로 변환해주는 Qt Bridge

고품질 컴포넌트를 갖춘 안정적이고 테스트를 거친 플랫폼으로 유지보수 시간 및 결함 감소

컴패니언 앱을 통한 원격 모니터링을 위한 연결 지원

저사양 하드웨어 (MCU) 및 실시간 OS 지원

Our first tentative HMI was built with a Taiwanese platform offering basic functionality which we deemed relevant. But we soon realized we were stuck in an environment with no control over UX, the layout, or the design system. We wanted a clean Nordic design, but it was not possible. 


We could not afford to waste more time, and that's when we decided to use Qt Accelerate.

William Collings, CTO, CLEAN MOTION


When Platforms Challenge Creativity

The EVIG last-mile delivery vehicle is not your traditional three-wheeler cargo. Fully electrified, solar-powered, connected to remote app, it's an outstanding example of how digitalization and software integration foster sustainability while promoting a captivating look-and-feel and premium design.

This vehicle's HMI must equip its driver with a wide range of information, including speed, cargo weight, battery range, charging status, and more. To match the vehicle's plain elegance, the HMI needed to be designed in a clean, minimalistic, functional Scandinavian style. At the same time, connectivity and remote monitoring via companion app were deemed to be defining features of this state-of-the-art commercial vehicle.

It was impossible to create such a stylish and functional HMI with the system we had in place, as it had strong limitations on the available design system and functionality. Said Mr Collings.

This is where the CLEAN MOTION team reached out to Qt Group and was advised to try Qt Accelerate.

Learn about Qt Accelerate


We set up a one-week boot camp with Qt Group to create our HMI based on Qt Accelerate redefined templates and components. We started work on Monday by designing the UI/UX in Figma, and on Friday, we had a stable system deployed and integrated within our vehicle.

William Collings, CTO, CLEAN MOTION

From Concept to Market in a Week

Typically, switching to an entirely new development framework may severely impact production on many aspects ranging from talent to hardware, and ultimately poses risks on time-to-market and costs.  

Our experience with Qt Accelerate was the opposite. We were very limited with our previous platform and with Qt Accelerate we were able to replace that and complete our HMI system in a week. Says Mr Collings.

Qt Accelerate provides users with predefined templates for a variety of industries and use cases to help companies jump-start in their HMI development. It delivers comprehensive solutions, combining reference hardware, industry-grade components, and essential tools and services, making it easy to deploy high-quality products with little to no custom code needed. 

With Qt Accelerate we regained control and ownership of our software, as we were able to address specific pain points in terms of turnaround and capabilities. It is a viable commercial offering, with a BOM that was clearly defined upfront. Says Mr Collings.

The included support for microcontrollers and real-time OS allowed CLEAN MOTION to achieve a highly cost-effective solution. At the same time, Qt well-known cross-platform scalability makes the current solution reusable also on more powerful hardware for future vehicles as well as for other platforms like mobile and desktop.


Read more about Qt for MCUs

While Qt Accelerate provides a quick, frictionless access to advanced HMI functionality out of the box, the end product is built with Qt. As such, it enjoys Qt cross-platform scalability and is entirely open to further customization, adaptation, functionality, and upgrades. 

Petteri Holländer, Senior Vice President, Ventures, Qt Group


A Paradigm Shift

With Qt Accelerate, CLEAN MOTION's team was able to deploy their intended design system and desired HMI functionality in a week by leveraging the design-to-code conversion of Qt Bridges, Boot-to-Qt for quick deployment, Qt solutions for analytics and reporting, and much more.

Navigating the wide variety of development platforms, hardware, and talent requirements for modern software and devices can be daunting, especially for small/medium companies or enterprises in the early stages of digitalization. It was a great relief to discover that Qt Group has released Qt Accelerate to help organization quick start their industrial HMI development. Sais Mr Collings.

As of November 2024, Qt Accelerate includes templates for typical use cases in Consumer Electronics, Automotive & Mobility, and Industrial Automation. While the objective is to deliver a 99% ready solution that just needs customization in terms of design system, branding, and selected functionality, these first product pilots are run in collaboration with Qt team in a one-week boot camp. 

Our plan is to rapidly scale the number of industries we cover and provide even more out-of-the-box functionality and reference platforms while condensing bootcamp sessions to 1-2 days. Says Mr Holländer.

Qt Accelerate helps companies in the decision-making process and time-to-market by providing ready-made solutions for a quick and cost-effective start. It offers the traditional stability, performance, quality, and flexibility of Qt Framework in a readily usable platform of easily configurable and deployable software. It gives companies a high-quality starting package that can always be extended and scaled to other devices and enjoys all the well-known benefits of Qt.

Petteri Holländer, Senior Vice President, Ventures, Qt Group

Read more about Qt Accelerate

Qt Accelerate


Clean Motion's story started in 2010 in Lerum, on the west coast of Sweden, with a mission to find a solution for sustainable transport in urban environments.

Fast forward until now where we have both a solid understanding and proven solution for what we believe is the future of mobility. A transportation solution suited for daily use, with a vehicle somewhere between a conventional car and a scooter.

Alongside significant engineering & technology advancements, our industrial design has been crafted over the years to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses with one common purpose - providing urban transport at scale.