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Qt 品質保証ツール無料トライアル





Coco & Test Center

Cocoは完全なコードカバレッジツールで、開発を強化します。Test Centerを利用して、テストデータを効率的に管理・分析し、テスト結果の管理を簡素化します。


Coco/Test Centerをダウンロード

Get Your Free QA Tools Evaluation

Your business email address will be used to create an account for your trial license. An email verification request and download instructions with login credentials are sent here.
We will be in contact to confirm that you will have everything you need for a productive trial.

Squish Evaluation

The form only offers a selection of most requested package options. You can download more specific packages from the customer portal after you get the account.

Your business email address will be used to create an account for your trial licence. If you do not already have an Qt account, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to set your password to access your account.
We will be in contact to confirm that you will have everything you need for a productive trial.