12月 02, 2024 by Qt Group 日本オフィス | Comments
MONOist 2024年5月21日掲載記事:手間もコストもかかるGUIのテストはどうすれば自動化できるのか
者の課題になっている。そこで役立つのが、GUIテストの自動化が可能なQt Groupの「Squish」
ここでのポイントは「ある程度」というところだ。GUIテストをいきなり完全に自動化しようとすると、その環境の構築に手間と時間がかかってしまう。自動化しやすいプロセスからテスト環境を構築し、それをベースに自動化の割合を増やすのが効果的だ。Qt Group ソリューションエンジニアリング部 ソリューションエンジニアの坂本強氏は「ある調査によれば、テストを50%自動化した程度でも、テストサイクルの短縮やカバレッジの向上、開発の初期段階での問題の特定などに大きな効果が得られるという結果が出ています。この結果からも、テストの自動化はできる範囲から始めて、段階的に自動化の範囲を広げるのが効果的です」と語る。
これら2社のGUIテスト自動化に活用されているのがQt Groupの「Squish」だ。QtGroupは広く利用されているGUIフレームワーク「Qt」で知られているが、SquishはQtのみならずWindowsやmacOS、Android、iOS、Java、Webなどで動作するGUI自動テスト環境を提供する。複数のプラットフォームで利用されるGUIに同一のツールを適用できるのがSquishのメリットであり、Qtで作成されたアプリケーションであればテストスクリプトもそのまま利用できる。

Cocoを利用したカバレッジ分析とTest Centerによる統合管理
ソフトウェアテストでは、テストシナリオがプログラムのどの程度の機能をカバーしているのか、重要な領域をどの程度テストしているのかなどを示すカバレッジが有効な指標になる。強力なテストツールであるSquishのみならず、Qt Groupはカバレッジを分析するツールも提供している。
このカバレッジ分析用にQt Groupが提供しているのが「Coco」(ココ)だ。Cocoは、C、C++、C#、Tcl、SystemC、Qt用のユーザーインタフェース記述であるQMLで開発されたソースコードをビルドする際に、カバレッジ分析用のコードを自動挿入してカバレッジ分析を行う。
SquishやCocoで得られた結果を統合管理できるのが「Test Center」(テストセンター)だ。テスト結果の一元管理やトレーサビリティーの提供、相関分析、レポート生成などをまとめて行える。複数の開発者がGitなどのソース管理システムを併用して行う大規模システム開発では、作成されるレポートの量も膨大になる。Test Centerがあれば、レポートを容易に管理できる。また、Webブラウザ対応のデータベースとして構築されるので、いつでもどのデバイスからでも簡単にアクセスできる。
昨今のGUIの急速な普及やマルチプラットフォーム対応などで、GUIの開発工数やエンジニアリングコストは増加傾向にある。GUI開発を効率化するため有力なツールとして、GUIのテストに役立つSquish、Coco、Test Centerといったツールを検討してみてはいかがだろうか。
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Cool, would be nice to see someone make it works with cmake :) (not me, I am infinitely too lazy)
How hard would it be to make this same program work with any set of unit tests? Say I want to use the same pretty interface for the unit tests on my own OSS project. Can I cherry-pick this program and fill it in with my list of auto-tests, or is it not ready for that yet?
I'm as curious as Nathan: can this be used for generic autotests?
@Nathan, @razvanpetru
Yes I thought about that, and it would not require a lot of modifications. It currently parses the auto-tests project file (auto.pro in tests/auto), so it could just take any .pro file as input instead. I will definitely look into that.
I wonder, how does this handle the GUI unit tests? Some months ago, I started work on my own test running tool (http://gitorious.org/qt-com...) as part of the community integration project I was working on at the time (http://blog.rburchell.com/2...), but one of the stumbling blocks I got stuck on at the time was that reliably creating and tearing down a test instance (dbus, GUI with no WM/styles, etc) was a lot of work.
I guess I'm going to have to look into this again sometime soon as I want to start revisiting the community integration stuff.
I'd also just like to add: great news! This is exactly the sort of thing I hope to see a lot more of after writing about the frustrations that many are feeling with trying to contribute to Qt (see http://blog.rburchell.com/2...).
It is a bit problematic for GUI tests indeed... For now you can't do anything at the same time for these tests. I'm not sure what to do about that...
Thank Shane and Liang for that :)
Like Bjørn Erik said, the idea is just to have some helper tool to automate and speed up things so I don't think your first point is relevant.
For your second point you are right, ideally the tool should query the list of tests from some server, but then it closes the door to running external auto-tests. Or then we need a different mode for Qt auto-tests and external auto-tests...
Is this blog entry linked from our contribution model help pages? :)
+2 kudo points for making it work on Symbian. Thank you.
I have a couple of suggestions:
First, the test running logic shouldn't be implemented in this tool, because then it can't be reused in automated systems. e.g. this tool probably runs the tests in a slightly different way than the Qt Continuous Integration system itself does - especially for the more complex things such as running of autotests on symbian devices.
Second, the parsing of test definitions from the .pro files probably shouldn't be done here, because it's more error prone than proper build system integration - this tool might have a different idea about what is/isn't a testcase than other systems which are trying to run the tests. The build system knows `make check' and ideally that's the one canonical way to determine what is and isn't a testcase.
@ Rohan
I believe Yoann wrote this nifty tool to make it easier to run Qt auto tests (tests/auto/*). His goal was clearly not to make a swiss army auto tester tool supporting every single use case without being good at anything. To put it simple; it is a replacement for the following workflow:
cd $class ./tst_$class cd .. cd $anotherClass ./tst_$anotherClass cd ..
... it even supports running tests in parallel :-)
@Yoann Lopes
A cross platform solution is... yeah, going to be difficult, if possible at all. The solution I settled on (as I only run Linux) at the time, was to run an Xvfb instance via QProcess. I'm happy to help contribute to make that happen if it's something you'd like to see.
I noticed that some tests don't seem to like Xvfb (unreliable failures), using Xephyr instead made tests pass, but meant that I had to have an annoying window hovering around. Never figured out why. :)
That's a really nice (and fancy looking) tool. Having a test suite for making sure that nothing is broken by your own changes is a must.
What I'd like to see is something like this tool integrated into QtCreator so that real TDD is possible. If you have tried it you will not write code without tests anymore. So no only generating a new class via the QtCreator templates but also a corresponding UnitTest and running it automatically after compile would be a dream.
This a more general question: how can QGraphicsSceneEvents be simulated in unit testing? QTest has support for QWidget events (like QTest::keyEvent) but not for QGraphicsWidgets.
Just create the event and send it to the scene with QApplication::sendEvent().
Since events like QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent have no public constructor or property set methods I thought there might be established way to create and send them.
I agree 100% with Jens Stockhausen. TDD helpers in QtCreator are a must.
Yes, TDD in QtCreator would be really nice. Perhaps, the Test tool could be part of the qmake project file and be run automatically after building? so it would not opnly be integrated in QtCreator, but in all qmake build process...
Second the integration of some test-driven development features into QtCreator. If you compare use of QTestLib with QtCreator to, e.g., the JUnit tools available in Eclipse...
I would really like to see something comparable in QtCreator :-).