この記事は Qt Blog の “Qt Meetups Everywhere” を翻訳したものです。
執筆: Alexandra Leisse, 2011年6月30日

私はいつでもミニ・カンファレンスやコードスプリント、その他ある特定のトピックや活動に特化した集まりが大好きです(ノルウェーの伝統的な社会奉仕活動である Dugnad は多分例外ですが、それはまた別の話です)。同じ興味をもつ人とリラックスした場で会うのは良い事です。多くを学ぶことができますし、新しい友達だってできるかもしれません。
私たちは皆さんが世界中の様々な場所で Qt に関する集まりを企画するのを手助けする方法を探していました。その過程で グループ や フォーラム が候補に挙がりましたが、それでは参加者が限られてしまいます。結局、私は目的に合ったウェブ上のツールを探すことにしました。
Qt Everywhere Meetups にようこそ
Qt Everywhere Meetups の目的は、Qt のコミュニティにいる人々がお互いを探しやすくして、Qt について直接会って話し合ったり情報交換をする機会を作りやすくすることです。
誰でも簡単に地元の Qt Meetup を見つけて参加したり、自分で新しい地元グループを作成して Qt Meetup を始めたりできます。
Qt Meetup にはいろいろな形が考えられます。少人数でビールを飲んで話をすることから、公園で家族ぐるみのバーベキュー、飲食スポンサー付きの本格的なセミナーの開催まで、決まった形はありません。全ては皆さん次第です。
手始めに、最初の Global Meetup-Day を7月15日に設定しました。
私たちの Ambassador の中には既に地元でグループを立ち上げ、皆さんの参加を待っている人もいます(訳注:日本では既に 東京 と 京都 でグループが立ち上がっています!)。
追伸:もし会を開く場合は私たちに教えてください。何かお手伝いができるかもしれません。Qt に携わる人々が互いに会うのを聞くのは私たちにはとても嬉しいことなので、皆さんが開く会について遠慮せず私たちや世界に伝えて下さい。Flickr に写真をアップロードしたり、Twitter でつぶやいたり、ブログを書いたり。楽しみにしていますよ!
Qt Labs Japan 追記:
7月15日は Qt Worldwide Meetup Day で、Qt AFK という名称で世界各地で Meetup が開催予定です。
日本では、京都で オープンソースカンファレンス 2011 Kansai@Kyoto に参加する Troll も交えての懇親会を下記のように予定しております。参加希望の方は、Qt AFK 京都のページ にて参加登録をするか、@qtjapan までご連絡をお願いします。
【日時】7月15日(金) 19:00-
【場所】うまいもんや味楽座 京都タワー店
尚、日本各地でも ぜひ Meetup を開催してください。京都からは #qtjp で様子をお伝えしますので!
Can you give some attention to QTCREATORBUG-2949 please? Autocompletion for c++ is still better in kdevelop than qtcreator and obviuosly qtcreator is better for other things and I want to use qtcreator
One thing I'd really love to see: An appropriate tag in the repository before I seen an announcement of a new version here. ;-)
you are right @Guido Seifert
You tolls publish some beta, RC, final version but I don't see any tag in git.
Are you going to fix something letter ? :)
Sorry, my post was a bit misleading. No fault on your side. It is just that I pulled and rebuilt the creator this morning... only to see a few hours later that if I had waited a bit longer, I could have seen the rc tag and had an 'official' version. But that's how it usually works....no progress is made until 5 minutes after I downloaded everything and upgraded my system. ;-)
I hate you. :-)
Just checked: Eike Ziller commited 0672813 at 10:11.
My update: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:24:18 GMT
Btw... Looks very good. The only problem I discovered yet, is only a problem for those, who want to or have to stay with debian stable: gdb 7.0.x does not work correctly anymore.
@guido: ah, always a pleasure ;)
@Guido: 7.0.1 with python?
@Guido Seifert: anyway, 7.0.1 seems to work even without python, but this means "no prettyprinting", and building 7.0.1 is not supported with python 2.7 etc, so to make that work "again" is significant effort which does not seem to be worthwhile.
yes. Python seems to be in by default in Debian squeeze:
And it worked fine for me in 717acb6bf4b4799dfb7e72b1481728fb95964d7c.
When I upgraded to 9df694c6eb9fb2cda1de6b6532d8f137c064d744 many of
the variables suddenly only showed 'Unavailable synchronous data'.
Fixed when I upgraded my gdb. As I wrote, generally not a problem. Problem only for those who have no saying in what build configuration they have to use. And Debian stable isn't such an uncommon release.
What a luck I took off yesterday afternoon. Otherwise I'd have distributed 2.4 beta to my users. Very cool that I can now at last get thread names when looking at core dumps :).
Is it possible to use Qt Creator as a software platform, in a similar way Eclipse RCP is used? I know the source code is available, but I would have to clean it up removing all IDE features so I could plugin my application features. I wish someone could have thought about it.
@guilherme: We had thought about it, from the beginning. And rejected it as being out of scope of what we want to do.
I haven't been keeping up with Creator for some time. I downloaded this RC and tried it on my 10.6 Mac with Xcode 4.2. Right away, the tool chains setup is confusing me.
First of all, it shows all the available gcc flavors, even the non-existent ones. Like PPC for LLVM-CLANG and gcc4.2-llvm. Those DO NOT have PPC output.
Then in Qt Versions panel, the tool chain selection for building helper doesn't tell me which GCC is which:
It also fails to find the installed Qt 4.8 RC.
On minor annoyance bit me today. I added a custom deployment step in run settings. But instead of 'make' in the command line I typed 'make '. The extra space was invisible, but prevented deployment.
My system is windows xp.
Installed QtSDK 1.1.4.
When I IDE after replacing QtCreator 2.4.0 RC .
When editing QML code , the program will automatically exit silently .
Each time you edit QML code will automatically exit the program , this is my problem?
Jason: Does that always happen? Even with a minimal QML file such as "import QtQuick 1.1; Item {}"? I suspect this might be the same as https://bugreports.qt.nokia... . Can you get a stack trace and file a bug report (assign to me)?
Please give some love to QTCREATORBUG-166 (it is the one that keeps me from switching to qtcreator).
Thank you.
Unfortunately, scrolling is still nearly unusable on Mac after opening Help. Most likely due to https://bugreports.qt.nokia... :(
Anyone compiled qt-creator with Qt 4.8? I did ages ago and found a strange bug, that in some dialog boxes I wasn't able to click a button until I moved the box a few pixels. Mouseover effects did always work. I dismissed this bug since Qt 4.8 was far from the state it is today so I could not be sure whether it was a qt-creator or a 4.8 problem. Last week I tried again to compile the creator with 4.8 on a different system and this bug still exists. I compiled several of my own programs with 4.8 and never experienced this problem somewhere else, so now I really think it might be a bug in qt-creator.
@guido: I've heard from a collegue that updating ubuntu supposedly might mend that problem (I suppose that you are on that platform).
Nope, Debian Wheezy. As updated as possible. Fairly recent Qt 4.8.
This problem does not exist when I compile with 4.7.4.
That site looking good
@Christian Kamm: Yes, and https://bugreports.qt.nokia... similar problems .
As long as when using a custom component , modify the code to automatically close the QML QtCreator.
And very often , so I can not make any changes to the QML code .
QML is only open a separate file , not the entire project , it will not automatically shut down .
Sorry, I do not know where to find the stack in the log file .
qrjmwmbct, vrlureqxbn
When you compile it for Windows with MinGW?
What are the minimum system requirements for QtCreator now days? I am using Redhat Enterprise 5.5, all applications I develop have to run on this standard (controlled hardware/software). It seems that debugging with the python debugger helpers do not work on my machine. The last successful, for reading nice debugging output, version of QtCreator that I can use is 2.1.0. From what I understand that after this version QtCreator switched to the python way of doing things with NO ability to continue to compile the old debugger libraries even if we wanted them. I think forcing a developer to a certain way is wrong specially if the application runs on my machine. I like some of the features found in the newer versions but can't use them as they don't make debugging easy. 2.1.0 is easier to use and would like that option on the new builds of QtCreator. But with all the questions about this all over the web, it seems the Trolls don't care about giving the information needed to fix this or give a definite statement on which machines it will run.
I know some will say install this or upgrade that, sorry can't do. Develop machine has to stay as stock as possible as the machines running the developed app are stock and CAN NOT be upgraded due other priority software running on them.
Thanks for any and all help!
@jon: Debugging helpers on linux nowadays require a python enabled gdb 7, gdb 7.2 is recommended. If your machines don't have that you can try the binaries that we have on our ftp here ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/misc... (and tell Qt Creator to use it in Tools->Options->Debugger->Gdb)
Ever since Qt Creator 2.3.x if I have an enum like the one below (C++ code) then I get a wavy line under the last element and if I hover over it I get the following warning: commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++0x specific feature
enum Type
I've ALWAYS left in the last comma and it's never given me any problems. How can I disable this warning as I don't want to change all my code!
@Eike: Thanks for the suggestion. I have installed on my machine the latest QtSDK, done before the earlier comment was posted, and used the gdb from there but get the following error message: "/path/to/app/qtc_test not in executable format: File format not recognized". Did a clean and then build a couple of times.
Setup was to clone the GCC that was auto detected and then browse to the gdb located in the QtSDK structure and set the project to use that tool chain. I left the g++ alone, so I am making a guess that my compiler is in need up updating as well.
I am unable to start a debug session - although I can attach to an existing process. Here is what I see in the debug log - error 193 even though the path exists. Sigh. Anyone?
sStarting debugger 'GdbEngine' for ABI 'x86-windows-msys-pe-32bit'...
dStart parameters: 'test' mode: 1
dABI: x86-windows-msys-pe-32bit
dExecutable: C:Documents and SettingscaldecorDesktopProjectstest-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebugdebugtest.exe
dDirectory: C:Documents and SettingscaldecorDesktopProjectstest-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebug
dDebugger: C:Qtqtcreator-2.3.1pythongdbgdb-i686-pc-mingw32.exe
dProject: C:Documents and SettingscaldecorDesktopProjectstest (built: C:Documents and SettingscaldecorDesktopProjectstest-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebug)
dQt: C:Qt4.7.4
dQML server:
dDebugger settings:
dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false)
dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false)
dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true)
dAutoQuit: false (default: false)
dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false)
dVerboseLog: false (default: false)
dCloseBuffersOnExit: false (default: false)
dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false)
dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true)
dUseCodeModel: true (default: true)
dShowThreadNames: false (default: false)
dUseToolTips: false (default: false)
dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false)
dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: false)
dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false)
dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false)
dRegisterForPostMortem: false (default: false)
dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true)
dScriptFile: (default: )
dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20)
dTargetAsync: false (default: false)
dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20)
dAlwaysAdjustStackColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true)
dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true)
dSortStructMembers: true (default: true)
dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true)
dAlwaysAdjustLocalsColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dListSourceFiles: false (default: false)
dSkipKnownFrames: false (default: false)
dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false)
dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true)
dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false)
dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true)
dAlwaysAdjustBreakpointsColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false)
dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*)
dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false)
dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false)
dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false)
dBreakOnFatal: false (default: false)
dAlwaysAdjustRegistersColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dAlwaysAdjustSnapshotsColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dAlwaysAdjustThreadsColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dAlwaysAdjustModulesColumnWidths: false (default: false)
dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1).
Python path: C:Qtqtcreator-2.3.1pythongdblib
dSTARTING C:/Qt/qtcreator-2.3.1/pythongdb/gdb-i686-pc-mingw32.exe -i mi --tty=.pipecreator-5708-6334
<1show version
<3set breakpoint pending on
<4set print elements 10000
<5set overload-resolution off
<6handle SIGSEGV nopass stop print
<7set unwindonsignal on
<9set width 0
<10set height 0
<11set auto-solib-add on
<12-interpreter-exec console "maintenance set internal-warning quit no"
<13-interpreter-exec console "maintenance set internal-error quit no"
<14-interpreter-exec console "disassemble 0 0"
<15-interpreter-exec console "python execfile('C:/Qt/qtcreator-2.3.1/share/qtcreator/dumper/bridge.py')"
<16-interpreter-exec console "python execfile('C:/Qt/qtcreator-2.3.1/share/qtcreator/dumper/dumper.py')"
<17-interpreter-exec console "python execfile('C:/Qt/qtcreator-2.3.1/share/qtcreator/dumper/qttypes.py')"
<18-interpreter-exec console "bbsetup"
dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3).
dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to InferiorSetupRequested(4).
sSetting up inferior...
>~"GNU gdb (GDB) 7.2n"
>~"Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.n"
>~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"nand "show warranty" for details.n"
>~"This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-mingw32".nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:n"
>&"show versionn"
>~"GNU gdb (GDB) 7.2n"
>~"Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.n"
>~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"nand "show warranty" for details.n"
>~"This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-mingw32".nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:n"
dCopyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
dand "show warranty" for details.
dThis GDB was configured as "i686-pc-mingw32".
dFor bug reporting instructions, please see:
dGNU gdb (GDB) 7.2
dCopyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
dand "show warranty" for details.
dThis GDB was configured as "i686-pc-mingw32".
dFor bug reporting instructions, please see:
dFEATURES: 2^done,data={features=["frozen-varobjs","pending-breakpoints","thread-info","python"]}
>&"set breakpoint pending onn"
>&"set print elements 10000n"
>&"set overload-resolution offn"
>&"handle SIGSEGV nopass stop printn"
>~"Signal StoptPrinttPass to programtDescriptionn"
>~"SIGSEGV YestYestNottSegmentation faultn"
>&"set unwindonsignal onn"
>~"Working directory C:Documents and SettingscaldecorDesktopProjectstest-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebug.n"
>&"set width 0n"
>&"set height 0n"
>&"set auto-solib-add onn"
>&"A syntax error in expression, near
0'.n" >14^error,msg="A syntax error in expression, near
>~"dumpers=[{type="QLinkedList",formats=""},{type="QSize",formats=""},{type="QFileInfo",formats=""},{type="QAbstractItemModel",formats=""},{type="stdstack",formats=""},{type="QTextDocument",formats=""},{type="QTJSCJSValue",formats=""},{type="gnu_cxxhash_set",formats=""},{type="QStringList",formats=""},{type="QRegion",formats=""},{type="stdwstring",formats=""},{type="QString",formats="Inline,Separate Window",editable="true"},{type="QTextCodec",formats=""},{type="QBasicAtomicInt",formats=""},{type="QScriptValue",formats=""},{type="QTime",formats=""},{type="QSharedData",formats=""},{type="stdvector",formats="",editable="true"},{type="QRegExp",formats=""},{type="QTextCursor",formats=""},{type="QxXmlAttributes",formats=""},{type="QDateTime",formats=""},{type="QList",formats=""},{type="QStandardItem",formats=""},{type="stddeque",formats=""},{type="QFixed",formats=""},{type="QHash",formats=""},{type="QSharedPointer",formats=""},{type="QUrl",formats=""},{type="stdset",formats=""},{type="stdlist",formats=""},{type="stdbasic_string",formats=""},{type="QPoint",formats=""},{type="QStack",formats=""},{type="QScopedPointer",formats=""},{type="QRectF",formats=""},{type="QMultiMap",formats=""},{type="QMapNode",formats=""},{type="QObject",formats=""},{type="QHostAddress",formats=""},{type="QLocale",formats=""},{type="QSharedDataPointer",formats=""},{type="QVariant",formats=""},{type="string",formats="",editable="true"},{type="QBasicAtomicPointer",formats=""},{type="QVector",formats="",editable="true"},{type="QDate",formats=""},{type="QFile",formats=""},{type="QAtomicInt",formats=""},{type="wstring",formats=""},{type="QWeakPointer",formats=""},{type="QSizeF",formats=""},{type="m128",formats="As Floats,As Doubles"},{type="boostoptional",formats=""},{type="TBuf",formats=""},{type="QPointF",formats=""},{type="TLitC",formats=""},{type="QRect",formats=""},{type="QByteArray",formats=""},{type="QMap",formats=""},{type="boostshared_ptr",formats=""},{type="QChar",formats=""},{type="QDir",formats=""},{type="QPixmap",formats=""},{type="QFlags",formats=""},{type="stdmap",formats=""},{type="QHashNode",formats=""},{type="QTemporaryFile",formats=""},{type="QModelIndex",formats=""},{type="EigenMatrix",formats=""},{type="stdstring",formats="",editable="true"},{type="QImage",formats="Normal,Displayed"},{type="QSet",formats=""},],hasInferiorThreadList="0"n"
<20set substitute-path C:/iwmake/buildmingwopensource C:/Qt/4.7.4
<21set substitute-path C:/ndkbuildrepos/qt-desktop/src C:/Qt/4.7.4
&"set substitute-path C:/iwmake/buildmingwopensource C:/Qt/4.7.4n"
>&"set substitute-path C:/ndkbuildrepos/qt-desktop/src C:/Qt/4.7.4n"
>&"set substitute-path C:/qt-greenhouse/Trolltech/Codelesscreatemore/Trolltech/Codelesscreatemore/Troll/4.6/qt C:/Qt/4.7.4n"
&"maint print msymbols C:/DOCUME~1/caldecor/LOCALS~1/Temp/gdbns.hg5708n"
dState changed from InferiorSetupRequested(4) to InferiorSetupOk(6).
dState changed from InferiorSetupOk(6) to EngineRunRequested(7).
24^error,msg="Error creating process C:/Documents and Settings/caldecor/Desktop/Projects/test-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebug/debug/test.exe, (error 193)."
dError creating process C:/Documents and Settings/caldecor/Desktop/Projects/test-build-desktop-QtinPATHDebug/debug/test.exe, (error 193).
dState changed from EngineRunRequested(7) to EngineRunFailed(8).
dState changed from EngineRunFailed(8) to EngineShutdownRequested(20).
dGDB PROCESS FINISHED, status 0, code 0
dState changed from EngineShutdownRequested(20) to EngineShutdownOk(22).
dState changed from EngineShutdownOk(22) to DebuggerFinished(23).
sDebugger finished.
Ack. Seems to be the spaces in the pathname. Sigh
when open a xx.cpp file,the QCreator will be exit .I think this is the bug of the QtCreator.
The qt-creator@qt-project.org mailing list is really a better place for discussions.
@Eike: If I followed your suggestion and not try to out think you, things would have worked much better. I have now successfully made things work with QtCreator 2.3.1. But still unable to make it work with 2.4.0-rc, it will tell me it is unable to load the helpers. I found a bug report for this in your tracker, but it is listed as Qt5 only, well I think it might be 4 as well in these older systems.
Again thanks for the help and link to the proper gdb.
Do you have an idea on the date for the launch of QtCreartor 2.4.0?
At least for Christmas ;).
Good luck
@dini: definitely
I love the new "Show Containing Folder" & "Open Terminal" features. Really nice for my workflow.
Could we please get the double-click drag bug fixed for this new release?
For the past few months in QtCreator I have had to precisely click around the start word and and word of the text that I want to drag around. I used to be able to just double click and drag across really quickly & easily.
@michael: The word-selection-drag problem is an issue with Qt 4.7.4 that we can't solve from Qt Creator. That issue is fixed in Qt 4.8, which isn't released yet. (If you rely on that feature heavily it might be worth compiling Qt 4.8 and Qt Creator yourself from source.)
@Eike Can we then also assume that Qt4.8 will be out by Christmas too?
@tony: no idea, you'll have to ask someone that is involved in the Qt release process for an answer to that.
I'm also having serious problems with the debugger. I've found it to be verry buggy and ruining what is otherwise my favorite IDE.
I've also opened a bug report for a problem I had on Linux but it's still unresolved (need to retest to see if it still happens ).
While I do understand the need to introduce new code and features it would be nice to have the existing one with less bugs.
It's nice that Qt Creator is able to use the MS debugger too but it ships with GDB for Windows and right now that's not working for me under Windows 7 x64. Speaking of which it would be really nice to have a 64 bit for Windows.
That's all , sorry if I'm being a bit harsh ... I'm trying to work on something and I can't really debug it properly.
I know you "trolls" have always been nice, open and receptive.