Qt Visual Studio Add-in 1.1.9 リリース

この記事は Qt Blog の ”Qt VS Add-in 1.1.9 released" を翻訳したものです。
執筆: Jörg 2011年3月30日

3月30日、Qt Visual Studio Add-in バージョン 1.1.9 をリリースいたしました。


  • バージョン 1.1.8 で発生した .pro ファイルのインポートに関するデグレードを修正。
  • Intel の VTune を利用するプロジェクトで動作可能にしました。([qtbug QTVSADDINBUG-65])
  • Qt の追加時に Visual Studio のバージョンとのコンパチビリティを確認します。これにより、Visual Studio で MinGW 版の Qt の利用が出来なくなります。([qtbug QTVSADDINBUG-58])
  • lupdate/lrelease のオプションの指定を可能にしました。 ([qtbug QTVSADDINBUG-48])

ダウンロード: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in

Blog Topics:


victor noagbodji
0 points
189 months ago

hi, i really liked the screenshot composer demo but it is not in the dojo repository. is it possible to make it available?

0 points
189 months ago

Thanks for the videos, I usually cannot attend those events, so it's nice watch them.

PS: I'm in shock. Am I seeing KDE's founder using Gnome? Is the laptop with the KDE Sticker his?

0 points
189 months ago

@victor noagbodji: That's "Screenie". Ariya put it on http://screenie.googlecode....

0 points
189 months ago

Great stuff... Love Ariya presentation. It was mentioned by Ariya that the code is already available ! Can you please point us in the right direction?

0 points
189 months ago

@eric Most of the demos can be found in the Qt Labs repositories: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-... ."graphics-dojo" has most of the demos you saw in the talk. "wolfenqt" is the 3D-demo. Some of the demos are included in (the upcoming) Qt 4.6's examples/demos.

0 points
189 months ago

Guys, why sound is so extremely bad? No good micro?

0 points
189 months ago

@Uku: You guessed it right, bad micro :) Actually, it was a spontaneous decision to record the talks. I did not have the direct audio from the micros which the Trolls used. So, the built-in micro of the camera had to pick up the sound from the room. That causes ambient noise and delay.

Ariya Hidayat
0 points
189 months ago

And if you don't want to miss future Graphics Dojo demos, put http://bit.ly/graphicsdojo in your bookmarks!