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Test Center 2.0 Released with Full Manual Testing Support

The Test Center team is happy to deliver a major release of Test Center, version 2.0, offering full support for manual testing, in addition to a number of key bug fixes, usability improvements, and performance enhancements in virtually all aspects of the program.

Test Center is a web-based platform for storing, managing and analyzing your software tests as your application evolves. Learn more about the tool [here]().

Manual Testing Workflows in Test Center

While we encourage test automation using the Squish GUI Tester for, among other benefits, improved testing efficiency, we recognize that it's simply not worth it, or even feasible, to automate every test.

For those cases where automation just doesn't make practical sense, manual testing is the necessary alternative. To that end, Test Center now offers full support for the creation, execution, and management of manual tests, and their larger workflows.

Here's what you can do now in Test Center 2.0:

  • Create manual test cases directly in Test Center: author and format the text with
    built-in Markdown support, include attachments and inline images, and define Shared Steps, test steps which you can add and reuse in future test cases.
  • Manage test cycles using the familiar concept of batches which you use to group your automated tests. An Execution Overview pane gives a quick overview of the current test cycle, including each test case's status and percent progressed.
  • Assign or re-assign manual test cases to testers based on their availability. Within Test Center, each test engineer can view their current case load from their user account.
  • Apply the same results analytics features you use to treat your automated test data to your manual test data.
  • Executed manual tests are treated just like an automated test in Test Center. That means you can use the History View and comparison functionality, too.
  • Create Jira tickets from within the Test Center UI, linked to your manual tests, and visible to other system users.

Why should I manage my manual workflow in Test Center?

Three reasons:

  1. Reduced administrative overhead. Test Center's workflow and UI are thoughtfully optimized for fluidity and intuitiveness.
  2. Simplicity. The addition of manual testing workflows means Test Center is your single platform for managing your testing workflows.
  3. Easy migration. If you use an external results management tool like Zephyr or Xray, we have an automated import API for migrating your tests into your Test Center instance. We also support importing Gherkin feature files. For other tools, we encourage you to contact us to see how we can simplify the transition.

Additional Program Enhancements

Improvements to Results Upload

  • The JUnit result import was improved to retain more result details. Additions include:
    • The type and message attributes for failure and error elements are now combined to be the event message (using a colon : as the separator).
    • Multiple consecutive CDATA elements are now supported and combined into a single message separated by new lines.
    • system-err nodes are now converted to warning events.

Integration Enhancements

  • The Zephyr for Jira integration now supports both cloud and on-premises versions of the tool.
  • Jira issue creation was improved in Test Center 2.0. Previously, the ticket's title and description would auto-generate. Now, you can freely edit all fields similar to how you would normally do it within Jira itself. The issue creation now also supports a wider range of required fields.

View the changelog for a complete list of what's new in 2.0.

Join Us for the Release Webinar

Join Nico Kaufmann, Test Center's Product Manager, for a live webinar and Q&A session on what's new in 2.0.

Sign up during your preferred time zone:

Get In Touch With Us

For support, send us an email at Our engineers are available for all your questions, big or small.


The Qt Company acquired froglogic GmbH in order to bring the functionality of their market-leading automated testing suite of tools to our comprehensive quality assurance offering.