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Squish 6.7.2 Release: Available Now

The Squish team is pleased to deliver a maintenance release of the Squish GUI Tester, version 6.7.2, available now for download.

Squish is a complete tool for automated GUI testing of multi-platform applications. New to Squish? Try us out today.

Highlights from the Changelog

Script Interpreters

  • Enabled stacktraces for warnings in Squish test results.

Qt Application Testing

  • Fixed crashes on startApplication when squishserver was built with Qt 6.1 or newer.
  • Resolved compatibility issues with qtbuiltinhook.pri for Qt 6 on Android. Before, qmake would print an error requiring a minimum Qt version.
  • Fixed Qt menubar recording and replay on macOS for Qt 6.0 and newer.

Windows Application Testing

  • Fixed a regression which prevented verification of screenshot VPs on Windows.

macOS & iOS Application Testing

  • Fixed nativeType on macOS 12 Monterey. nativeType key combinations would often only work on a first attempt; subsequent attempts would trigger the invalid hotkey pressed system sound on macOS.

Web Application Testing

  • Resolved an issue in Visual Studio Code and other Chromium-based applications which prevented, in particular, script recording and object picking.

For the complete list of bug fixes and improvements, check out the Squish 6.7.2 Release Notes.

What's Next in Squish 7

We're excited to deliver Squish 7 as the next release in our development schedule. Here are a couple of the big features in the works:

  • Video Capturing: The Squish 7 series enables users to capture video recordings of test
    executions as a debugging aid and as a method of test documentation for quality purposes. This feature syncs the recorded video with the results, meaning you can jump back to a failure point or view the video and corresponding highlighted entries in the test script side-by-side.
  • Qt 6.2.x support: With Squish 7, testing Qt applications based on Qt 6.2.x will be officially supported.

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The Qt Company acquired froglogic GmbH in order to bring the functionality of their market-leading automated testing suite of tools to our comprehensive quality assurance offering.