Test Center 1.1.1 Maintenance Release Available

froglogic's dev team is happy to provide our users with a new release of..

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QA in the Oil & Gas Industry: An Interview with Weatherford

"I need robust -- it works now -- rock-solid piece of UI workflow..

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Multi-Platform Screenshot Verifications

As a software tester, you'll likely want to run your tests on as many..

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froglogic at Qt Desktop Days: Tech Talks on Product Quality and Automation

froglogic engineers are excited to give two technical talks at the..

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Custom Templates for BDD Feature Files

When opening a new Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) test case in the..

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Achieving full code coverage of Unit Tests written with Google Test

This blog outlines the technical steps required to integrate unit tests..

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Headless Execution of GUI Tests with Jenkins

Executing automated GUI tests using the Continuous Integration/Continuous..

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The V-Model in Software Testing

The V-Model is a model used to describe testing activities as part of the..

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Strategies for Higher Test Coverage

In many software projects, tests are neglected at the beginning of..

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Custom Test Result Reporting Using Log Levels

Categorizing log output into different levels allows you to decide whether..

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Performance Analysis with Coco

Version 5 of Coco supports the performance measurement of an application..

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Test Case Prioritization Using Code Coverage Analysis

What is Test Case Prioritization? Test Case Prioritization is a method in..

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