Using command line tools for image comparisons

Introduction Squish supports several image comparison methods: pixel..

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Parallel execution in Squish

With the help of virtual machines one can perform parallel executions in..

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BDD Steps with Parameters

Motivation In Behavior Driven Development, it is possible that individual..

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Automating alternate menus with Squish for Mac

The menus on macOS allow for a menu item to have an alternate version: if..

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Enabling Squish to hook into Sub-Processes started by the AUT

Often more complex application do not consist of just a single executable...

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Benefiting from combined usage of Squish and Coco

It is sometimes a good idea to use Squish GUI Tester and Coco in the same..

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Debugging Test Failures Using Your Favorite IDE

One goal of automated testing through Squish is to find bugs and..

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Finding & Fixing Dependencies Between Test Cases

Works for me! Did you ever hear yourself uttering those words, or maybe..

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Accessing a SQL database from your JavaScript Test

A common task in GUI tests is to automate entering some data into forms...

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Approaches to creating BDD Scenarios

Behavior Driven Development uses conversations around concrete examples of..

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Customizing QtQuick support in Squish

Motivation Squish supports automating QtQuick 2.x based applications out..

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Squish Tip: Testing Tooltips on Windows

For many Windows controls (i.e. GUI components) Squish exposes the tooltip..

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