Retrieving Code Coverage from ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers

Introduction In a previous post, we saw how to Measure Code Coverage on..

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Using Squish for Windows and Image-Based Object Lookup for Automation via VNC

If you are unable to install Squish on the device you want to test, and..

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Finding Table Cells by Header Text

Surely you have seen (screenshots of) huge Excel spreadsheets before. If..

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Measure code coverage on ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers

Introduction The ARM Cortex-M family is becoming a more popular..

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Code Coverage with QTest

Today’s tip will show how to measure code coverage for unit tests written..

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View Squish Test results of merge requests in GitLab

Introduction It's very important to make automated GUI tests a part of a..

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Find unused functions in C/C++ code with coverage analysis

Unused functions impact maintenance Unused functions in a software project..

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Using Squish to automate Qt Installer Framework UI Tests

Introduction Installers built with the Qt Installer Framework link with Qt..

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Live update of Python code during debugging using importlib.reload()

Introduction When debugging a test script, one can use importlib.reload()..

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Automating Java Web Start applications

The Squish for Java edition not only supports testing Java Swing/AWT,..

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Convert Text-Based Object Maps to Script-Based Object Maps

With Squish 6.4 we introduced script-based object maps, which provide a..

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Broadcasting test steps to multiple target systems

Creating tests for projects which target several different platforms at..

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