Test Impact Analysis

What is Test Impact Analysis? Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is an..

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Running GUI Tests on Each Commit in GitLab CI/CD

In a recent article, we wrote about running Squish tests on merge requests..

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Measuring Code Coverage on Devices with Limited Memory

In this article, we would like to explore the possibilities that are..

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Code Coverage of Multi-Platform Applications

Many applications are now targeting several operating systems. In most..

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Accessing QQmlContext Properties in Squish Test Scripts

Many hybrid QML/C++ applications have a C++ main() that loads a QML object..

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Coco and System Header Files

A C or C++ program always includes header files that are provided by the..

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Testing Multiple Instances of the Same Application

In some scenarios, you might need to test multiple instances of your..

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Upcoming Squish Feature: Remote Control of Test Devices

The ability to work with remote devices is one of Squish's core features...

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Visual Verification Points - Using the VisualVP Editor

Today we will demonstrate some tips and tricks to using the Squish 'Visual..

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Using Linux uinput From a Test Script

[spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" width="1/1"..

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Testing Multiple Applications Using Separate Squish Packages (In One Test Case)

Automating multiple applications built with different UI technologies..

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Demo: API Testing Using Squish

Testing is an important part of the development of a software, the idea..

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