Advantages of Automated GUI Testing

Advantages of Software Testing - 5 Things You Must Know About Software Testing
Manual vs. Automated Testing has always been a point of debate among software professionals but what are really the benefits of Automated Software Testing you may ask.

What exactly is Automated Testing?

Essentially, Test Automation is using code to create a program that performs automated tests for your software. The difference to manual testing is instead of actually performing the test one creates an automated testing scenario and is supervising it.

Test automation is, therefore, most commonly used for regression testing, which seeks out new bugs in a program and separates them. (Regression tests are very tedious and time-consuming)

One other area of code-driven testing is user simulation to replicate typical user interaction using automated keystrokes and mouse clicks where the software GUI response is recorded and analyzed.

Keys to Automated GUI Testing and Continuous Integration

There are certain factors and keys to successful automated GUI testing and continuous integration:

• How you move through the application and enter data
• How you detect state changes and failure conditions
• How the automation tool lets you change your tests, so you can quickly keep up with UI changes
• Having a software tool which supports continuous integration and runs tests unattended

With these points in mind the most significant benefits from automated GUI testing are:

5 Things You Must Know About Automated Testing

1. Efficient Testing:

Automation software can handle repetitive, time-consuming tests and finds regression errors while the testing team can be strategically deployed to tackle tricky and case specific tests which all together saves time, money and resources.

2. Reusability and Upgradation:

Automation software is a long lasting, reusable product which can justify its cost. And with every new test and every new bug discovered the testing software would be upgraded and kept up-to-date.

3. Consistency:

Test automation provides a consistent platform for testing and drastically reduces the margin of error in the testing scenario by going through pre-recorded instructions. Development of an existing software often takes place where Regression Tests verify whether the pre-existing functionalities are suited for the new versions, which is critical and provides a much-needed reliability for testing protocols.

4. Unique Programmability and Durability:

Test automation software can be built to exact testing specifications, and it serves as a prime component for future testing scenarios. Automated software developed by testing firms (like froglogic) are modeled such that they have enough flexibility to handle a unique product while complying with the latest security and testing protocols which make test automation a powerful tool for time-saving, resourceful and top-notch results.

5. Simulation of User Environment:

GUI testing is one of the most time consuming and redundant procedures as the tester has to deploy the same methods in mock user-driven environments and check for issues in the responsiveness of the GUI. With automated testing, this process becomes incredibly easy and time-saving.


Automated testing can make things in the testing lab very simple and tester-friendly. It gives the software developer and software tester a unique advantage of quick, hassle-free testing and an excellent way to save precious resources and stay ahead of the timeline.

For more information regarding automated testing, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


    The Qt Company acquired froglogic GmbH in order to bring the functionality of their market-leading automated testing suite of tools to our comprehensive quality assurance offering.