We are happy to announce the release of the Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.5.2. Installation packages are now available at the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Besides several important bug fixes, this new version of the Qt VS Tools allows creating projects with reference to multiple versions of Qt. A redesigned project creation wizard now allows defining as many project configurations as needed, and specifying which version of Qt and set of Qt modules to use in each configuration. For example, it will now be possible to create a Qt project targeting both the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.

This change represents a first step in our on-going effort to support multi-platform Qt development with Visual Studio / MSBuild C++ projects. For the next release (v2.6), we plan to introduce cross-compilation of Qt projects through integration with the Visual Studio C++ Linux Workload.
You can track our work progress in bugreports.qt.io. Please feel free to report any problems, or make any suggestions/comments and help us further improve the Qt Visual Studio Tools.