Qt for Android Automotive 6.8.3 is released

The latest patch release for Android Automotive 6.8.3 is just released. This release is based on Qt LTS 6.8.3 with 300 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements done to Qt base. There are no additional Qt for Android Automotive features delivered with 6.8.3.

Provide feedback

For any issues, please submit a detailed bug report to bugreports.qt.io or contact our technical support team if you have a support plan with your commercial license. You are also welcome to join the Qt Project mailing lists and developer forums discussions.

Qt 6.8 release plan

We will continue releasing new patch releases to the Qt 6.8 series. The target is to release Qt 6.8.4 in June 2025, see more information from the Qt 6.8 releasing pages.

Where can you get more info?

For further technical information about Qt for Android Automotive, please check out  Qt for Android Automotive technical documentation. 


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