We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 4.15 RC1 !
Please have a look at the Beta blog post and our change log for a summary of what is new and improved in Qt Creator 4.15.
Get Qt Creator 4.15 RC1
The opensource version is available on the Qt download page under "Pre-releases", and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 4.15 RC1 is also available under Preview > Qt Creator 4.15.0-rc1 in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on chat.freenode.net, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.
You can read the Qt Creator Manual in Qt Creator in the Help mode or access it online in the Qt documentation portal.
Oh no, the issue that made 4.13 unusable (at least for me), namely that "Current executable" is wrongly switched to "all" in the compile targets whenever cmake is run, which was fixed in 4.14, is now back in 4.15-RC1, it seems: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-24145
Update: Wow, thanks for the quick fix! Btw, the new global environment variable feature is great to make sure QtCreator finds ninja from Homebrew even if it is not started from the terminal.
Adding setter via the refactor tool now uses different variable names:
instead of
Doesn't this break with the Qt naming convention?
And the setter Function is not declared as slot anymore.
Both, the setter parameter name and declaring the setter as slot can now be chosen in the C++/Quick Fixes options. The default settings for these new options change the behavior between 4.14 and 4.15, which should perhaps be fixed, shall it?
Very cool. I didn't dare to ask for configuration ;)