Qt Creator 4.13 released
August 26, 2020 by Eike Ziller | Comments
We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 4.13 !
Qt Creator supports setting multiple shortcuts for the same action now. Do you ever mix up shortcuts because your second-favorite editor uses different ones than Qt Creator? Just open Preferences > Environment > Keyboard, find the action and press Add (as long as you do not introduce a conflict with another shortcut). Personally I added some Emacsey shortcuts for splitting and some other actions to my configuration. (Since I am on a Mac, Ctrl+X is free to use for me.)
If you wonder where some items from the Window menu went: We moved them to a new View menu, which seems to be common to have.
We updated LLVM for the C++ code model to LLVM 10, implicitly improving support for C++20 features. The code model also received many smaller fixes and improvements. Please refer to the change log for details.
Our client for the language server protocol now supports renaming symbols if the server supports it.
If you program in Python, you might find a new feature useful: The editor has a new tool button that allows you to open Python interactively, optionally importing the current file as a module, so you can directly start testing what you just wrote.
For QML we fixed some issues with Qt 5.15, and added support for required list properties.
Many thanks to Alexis Jeandet for adding initial support for the Meson build system!
Also many thanks to IncrediBuild for contributing their Qt Creator integration!
(You need to open Help > About Plugins (or Qt Creator > About Plugins on macOS) and enable these plugins before you can use them.)
We completely revamped the CMake support in Qt Creator. One of the biggest issues with CMake support was that Qt Creator had its own idea about the build configuration of a project, and that could conflict heavily with an existing build, or could cause problems if the configuration was changed on the command line later. In the new version, Qt Creator accepts an existing build configuration as the truth, no matter what for example the settings for CMake in the kit are. Qt Creator still reads the configuration, and provides an editor for it, but it will never complain about conflicts anymore. If you want to configure the build for a project from scratch, you have the option to pass any CMake variables that you like, pre-filled with the configuration from the kit. Note that Qt Creator now requires CMake 3.14 or later.
Our auto-test integration supports the Catch2 testing framework now.
QML debugging and profiling on Android works again, and we fixed issues with debugging on x86 and armv7 architectures and the emulator.
We fixed an issue that could lead to the debugger taking a very long time to start up on iOS devices.
Please have a look at our change log for an overview of all the other fixes and improvements that are included in Qt Creator 4.13.
Get Qt Creator 4.13
The opensource version is available on the Qt download page under "Qt Creator", and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 4.13 is also available as an update in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on chat.freenode.net, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.
You can read the Qt Creator Manual in Qt Creator in the Help mode or access it online in the Qt documentation portal.
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Warning: this update requires CMake 3.14+ without server-mode, which may break your projects if you attempt to change some CMake property that contains "" in the description, due to QTCREATORBUG-24401.
This issue should be gone in Qt Creator 4.13, since we do not write qtcsettings.cmake anymore (one of the goals of the change), so we cannot write something wrong there. Could you please verify?
Actually this update broke CMake for me. Since I'm using Ubuntu 18.04, the CMake version I have installed is 3.10.2.
Except Qt Creator is still even unable to recognize types registered with new macro syntax...
Can you please create a bug report for this? Comments on blog posts are easily forgotten. It's best to share a link to a bug report so that everyone who reads your comment and is affected by the same issue can vote on and watch the Jira issue.
Sure. It seems this bug is a related one (comments mention imports of types registered with macros are not recognized by code model) - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-24428
But now broken on Windows...
Oh come on now, seriously? There've been several minor releases and now a major release since it was to support the new qml syntax introduced in 5:15, and it is still not supported properly? Usage of the new inline components is still detected as an "unknown component" IDE error, when such an inline component is used as a property type the property value object is null, which is not just a faux IDE error but an actual runtime error...
component Test0: QtObject { function foo() { console.log("bar") } } component Test1: QtObject { property Test0 test: Test0 {} } // Unknown component? component Test2: QtObject { property QtObject test: Test0 {} } // Unknown component? Test1 { Component.onCompleted: test.foo() } // Unknown component? Cannot call method 'foo' of null? Test2 { Component.onCompleted: test.foo() } // Unknown component? This one works during runtime.
Why bother introducing those new language features if you are not gonna bother implementing them properly?
Can you please create a bug report for this? Comments on blog posts are easily forgotten. It's best to share a link to a bug report so that everyone who reads your comment and is affected by the same issue can vote on and watch the Jira issue.
CMake 3.14? The current debian 10 ships 3.13.4-1 and other distros in use may be even below that. That forces you to use different CMake version for Qt Creator and your reference compilation / CI translation. Not a good idea.
I can see that this is inconvenient for distro users. But it allowed us to greatly simplify the code for our CMake support, letting us concentrate on the path forward instead of keeping old code around.
CMake in general is also quite focused on compatibility, so working with and supporting different CMake versions is less of an issue than it might sound at first.
Hi, CMake 3.16.3 is available on Debian 10 through buster-backports, might help
On macOS, I am getting "Qt Creator.app can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed." Is this expected? Previous versions were properly signed.
It looks like for some reason that happens on macOS 10.14. I have not heard of this issue on macOS 10.15 (and it works here locally), and all the Apple-recommended ways to check the code signature succeed, even on macOS 10.14 - except for actually opening the application.
It's definitely a great release regarding C++ code completion, at least for my project I am working on now!
One thing about the new Qt Creator drives me crazy. It is about the Build Steps. I configure them and those work fine for some time, but when the IDE is restarted the Build Steps are reset to "Build: cmake --build . --target all". Not to mention that, it the previous versions, once you select the 'Current executable' as a build target, the 'all' was removed. Now, I have to scroll through the list and locate the all and unchecked it manually. Tiny things that drive crazy.
Thank you for your feedback. Please have a look at https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt-creator/qt-creator/+/313506. In the comments you can find links to an artifact that you can download and test.
I created a feature request for reverting the "all is not unselected" behaviour, which was apparently intentional: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-24639
In 4.12 (at least, possibly 4.11 or 4.10) QML debugging stopped working, but now in 4.13 if I have a QML breakpoint set, it crashes the app and crashed Qt Creator.