We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 4.12 Beta!
Here are some excerpts from our change log:
Language Server Protocol Client
If your server supports Markdown for hover information, we'll show these much more beautiful tool tips to you.
The document outline is available through the dropdown menu in the editor tool bar.
We also use a server's formatting capability now, if available.
We added lots of options for when to build what, when to stop what, project wide environment settings, running targets directly from the target selector, and more.
We improved the UI responsiveness while parsing projects.
CMake's source groups are handled more nicely now.
Qbs support now uses a separate Qbs executable, instead of linking to Qbs directly, which improves stability and enables usage of an externally provided Qbs.
Platform Specifics
Setting up development for Android targets got much easier.
Opening terminals supports different shells on macOS now.
For remote Linux targets you can customize installation and deployment steps.
This is just a sample of all the improvements done in 4.12. I apologize to everyone for not mentioning her or his favorite feature in this version :).
Get Qt Creator 4.12 Beta
The opensource version is available on the Qt download page under "Pre-releases", and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 4.12 Beta is also available under Preview > Qt Creator 4.12.0-beta1 in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on chat.freenode.net, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.