Qt Creator 11 - CMake update

Below, you have two new CMake features in Qt Creator 11:

Project file management

With Qt Creator 11, it is possible to add new / existing files to a CMake target. Renaming and deleting of source files via the project tree is also supported.

Qt Creator will look after the add_executable, add_library, qt_add_executable, qt_add_library function calls and add the source / resource files at the end.

If a custom CMake API is being used, a target_sources function call will be used instead.

Widgets Example


Qt Quick Example

For Qt Quick projects the qt_add_qml_module function is located. The added files will be prefixed with QML_FILES, SOURCES or RESOURCES function arguments.


CMakePresets reloading

Qt Creator 11 will display a CMake Presets project tree item for quicker CMake Presets access.

In the Build menu, there is a Reload CMake Presets entry which will re-create the Kits from the CMakePresets json files.



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