We have released Qt 6.7.3. As a patch release, Qt 6.7.3 does not introduce new features but contains more than 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements to the top of the Qt 6.7.2 release. See more information about the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.7.3 release note.
Get Qt 6.7.3
As earlier, you can add Qt 6.7.3 to the existing online installation by using the maintenance tool or do a clean installation by using the Qt Online Installer, which can be downloaded from the Qt Account Portal (for commercial users) and from the opensource download area (for opensource users).
In addition, Qt 6.7.3 source packages are available in the opensource download area for opensource users. The Qt 6.7.3 offline installers and source packages are available for commercial users in the Qt Account Portal.
Provide feedback
For any issues you may find, please submit a detailed bug report to bugreports.qt.io or contact our technical support team in case you have a support plan with your commercial license. You are also welcome to join the Qt Project mailing lists and developer forums discussions.
Qt 6.7 release plan
Qt 6.7.3 will be the last release from Qt 6.7 series. The '6.7' branch will be closed for new changes after the Qt 6.7.3 release.