We have released Qt 5.9.9 today. As a patch release Qt 5.9.9 does not add any new functionality, but provides security fixes and other improvements. We are expecting this to be the last patch release of the Qt 5.9 LTS series.
Compared to Qt 5.9.8, the new Qt 5.9.9 provides 13 bug fixes. In total there are close to 80 changes compared to Qt 5.9.8. For details of the most important changes, please check the Change files of Qt 5.9.9.
Qt 5.9 LTS was released in May 2017 and today we release the 10th version of it. Standard support of Qt 5.9 LTS continues until May 2020, after which it is possible to purchase Extended support. As the Qt 5.9 branch is already in the 'Very strict' phase, we do not plan to make any more patch releases of Qt 5.9. As always, security vulnerabilities and similar items may require a new release, but no more regular bug fix releases are planned.
Qt 5.9.9 can be installed using the maintenance tool of the online installer. For new installations, please download latest online installer from Qt Account portal or from qt.io Download page. Offline packages are available for commercial users in the Qt Account portal and at the qt.io Download page for open-source users.