We have released Qt 5.12.10 today.
Qt 5.12.10 provides fixes to over 30 bugs compared to Qt 5.12.9 release. Please check details about the release from Qt 5.12. Change Files.
Qt 5.12.10 can be updated to existing online installation by using the maintenance tool. Note that we have recently released new version of the installer, so unless you already have updated to it, you need to run the installer update first.
For new installations, please download the latest online installer from Qt Account portal or from qt.io Download page. Offline packages are available for commercial users in the Qt Account portal and at the qt.io Download page for open-source users. You can also try out the Commercial evaluation option from the qt.io Download page.
Qt 5.12 LTS is supported until December 2021 and we will release couple of new patch releases before end of support. Next one is planned to be happen H1 2021 and exact schedule will be agreed later.