It's Survey Time: Qt Framework + Squish Evaluation

tldr; We have two open evaluation questionnaires for our users:
Take the Qt Framework Questionnaire here
Take the Squish Questionnaire here

Its Survey Time_ Qt Framework + Squish EvaluationHey Qt,

As a means of improving our offers, services and products, we are conducting a test to gain deeper insights into the decision-making process behind technology adoption by your company/team.
Our guiding question: What are the key factors when selecting your project's framework/QA tool?

We have currently two questionnaires open, one for our Qt Framework and another one for Squish.

🔍 Purpose: Our primary objective is to better understand your preferences and priorities in framework & QA tool selection. Your input will inform our development efforts moving forward.

⏱️ Time: Each questionnaire should take around 10-15 minutes.

🌟 Impact and Outcome: The insights from this initiative will be used in refining our framework and creating a more tailored experience for new users. Your contributions will directly influence and improve our further development of both the Qt Framework and Squish QA Tool.

Ready to Contribute?
💻 Take the Qt Framework Questionnaire here
⚙️ Take the Squish Questionnaire here

We sincerely thank you for your participation and look forward to your valuable input.


Pedro Bessa
Qt Community Specialist

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