How to learn Qt?

Qt Learning green

👋 My name is Hanna, and I work as a Learning Manager at the Qt company. I have recently joined the company, so nice to meet you!

Qt is increasing its learning offering and I would love to hear your feedback on what you need.

Qt already has high-quality documentation, a collection of video tutorials, and regular webinars. On top of that, independent creators have published online Qt courses on external platforms. And now, we want to level up to provide world-class learning experiences, as well as collaborate with creators, to ensure learning Qt is a breeze.

But what kind of learning would benefit you? Suppose you are a designer or a developer, beginner or more advanced, Open Source or commercial user - you probably have different kinds of learning needs. We would love to hear about them!

For example:

  • How do you learn best? What motivates you to learn new things?
  • Would you prefer step-by-step courses or individual video tutorials? Would hackathons and challenges inspire you? 
  • Would you like to learn from other Qt users and make your learning content available to others?

👉 Please give us feedback by answering this survey (3-5 minutes) by the 8th of April. You can also comment under this post or in the Community thread. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Give us feedback


Currently, our Learning Hub contains a selection of videos with a wide range of topics.

If you are looking for tailored Qt training for your company, don't hesitate to contact our Professional Services.

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