Welcome to the 2018 Qt Champions!

Qt Champions

Another year has passed, winter has come so it's time to celebrate the Qt Champions!

So without further ado:

@christian-ehrlicher was granted the *Rookie of The Year* title. Christian did an impressive number of submissions through this year while beginning only at the end of 2017. He wrote quite a lot of fixes for the model view system as well as test and documentation fixes.

@aha_1980 has again earned the *Quality Assurer* title due to his continuous services on the bug report system as well as doing quality reviews. He's also actively improving Qt Creator and the QtSerialBus module.

This year's *Ambassador* title goes to Kazuo Asano who's a very active IRL Qt promoter in Japan. His various activities including study-sessions, seminar and now a book are doing wonder making Qt known in the empire of the rising sun.

Orgad Shaneh is our *Maverick Of The Year*. He's the one we can thank for the now famous branch change bot on Gerrit. Bot he implemented as a side project to make the life of the sysadmins and developers easier.

This year's *Fixer* is Alexander Volkov who's done a lot of work on the X11/xcb backend that has no secret for him.

@VRonin various helper libraries and examples earned him the *Content Creator* title. His knowledge of Qt's model view system is also well known and appreciated on the forum.

Due to his extensive presence on several fronts (IRC channel, forums, and more), @GrecKo has well earned the *Community Builder* title.

His many and to the point answers on the forum as well as continuous presence on it made @jsulm the second *Community Builder*.

And last but not least, his friendliness, continuous support, numerous examples and tests through these past years have opened him the door to the hall of fame. Congratulations to @mrjj who becomes the second Qt Lifetime Champion!

Let us all congratulate our Champions!

Many thanks for all the work done with and for the community!

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