Qt Contributors' Summit 2018


Contributors, Mark your calendars!

11th and 12th June 2018

And the location is Oslo, Norway.

Oslo in June is a beautiful place to be, but the best part is that you will meet all the Qt Contributors!

The Qt Contributors' Summit is an annual event open to anyone who has contributed toward the Qt project in the past year. Contributions can include code, helping on the forum, maintaining the wiki, or any other form of moving the Qt project forward. We are also happy to have advanced Qt users at the event, as there can never be too much user feedback.

For the past two years the Qt Contributors' Summit has been run as part of bigger events. In 2016 we co-located with QtCon and last year with Qt World Summit. This year we want to have Qt Contributors' Summit as it's own event which focuses again more on the core Qt community.

Qt Contributors' Summit is traditionally run as an unconference, participants bring their topics to the event and they are presented and discussed. We are thinking of changing the format somewhat, so that the topics can be prepared a bit more in advance and we could also have some hands on work ongoing at the event itself.

As always the event will be free of charge, but we will have a registration page, so we can prepare better.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please get in touch with me, we are more than happy to have help in making Qt Contributors' Summit a great event.

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in June in Oslo!
