Get certified and prove your Qt expertise

Qt certification program has been alive since 2009, although we have not shouted out loud about it during the past few years. The exams have been updated to include Qt5 content, including Qt Quick and QML, so now it is possible to test your QML skills as well.

Why to get certified?

Join the group of 4,500 certified developers.

A certificate formalizes and proves you have practical Qt knowledge, when you are looking for new challenges. Yes, we mean practical knowledge. Although you do not have to write any C++ or QML code in the exams, there are plenty of code snippets, which you need to understand well to be able to answer to the exam questions.

With certified developers, companies can have a selling point when pitching their company’s credentials as an expert Qt shop.

Certificates and exams

Currently, we offer three kinds of certifications and corresponding certificates:

  • Certified Qt and QML Developer
  • Certified Qt C++ Specialist
  • Certified Qt Quick Specialist


To become a certified developer, candidates must pass the Qt and QML Essentials exam. After additionally passing either of the specialist exams, candidates achieve the certified specialist status. We have developed the Widget UI and Application Engine exam for candidates, who want to test their widget and Qt C++ programming expertise. Candidates, preferring QML programming, can take the Qt Quick UI exam and become certified Qt Quick specialists.

Exams consist of multiple choice questions. In each exam, candidates have 60 minutes to reply the questions. The number of questions depends on the exam. The essential exam has 50 questions, from which 31 must be answered correctly. In the specialist exams, the passing score is 16, while the total number of questions is 30. A question example is given below:

Select all statements, which are true in terms of QString

  • QString extends QObject.
  • It is an implicitly shared value type.
  • QString stores the data in the compressed binary format, so it is more memory efficient than QByteArray.
  • QString stores a string as Unicode characters.

We do not expect you remember all the Qt classes and QML types by heart. However, you should know some essential classes, like QObject, QString, QWidget, QQuickItem very well. In addition, make sure to understand the essential Qt programming concepts, such as Qt object memory management, meta-object system, widget layout management or QML bindings and signal handlers. Familiarise yourself with exam requirements and curriculums in

Are my old Qt certificates still valid?

We have good news to everyone, who already has old Nokia Qt certificates. We have decided to keep old certificates still valid. Thus, if you want to get Qt Quick Specialist certificate and you already are Nokia Certified Qt Developer, you can just take the new Qt Quick UI exam.

How to prepare and make an exam appointment?

One of the frequently asked questions is, which material I need to read to prepare for the exam. Look at our extensive offering of trainings, training materials, and tutorials in Use the exam curriculums to study the relevant topics. If you are totally new to Qt, one week may not be enough to prepare for the essentials exam. Writing Qt programs is very efficient way to learn. After 4-6 weeks of using Qt classes and QML types, you may find essentials exam almost trivial. If you unlucky and fail the exam, you can get 50 per cent discount to re-take the exam.

Certification exams can be taken in any of the 3,000 authorized Pearson VUE test centers. Visit and find the nearest test center to you. In addition, you can create a Pearson VUE account to manage exams and exam appointments. Exam prices vary a lot between the test centers. So, ask the test center to get the exact price. An average price is about 200 €.

We print and send certificates to exam candidates once in a month. So, in the best case you will get your certificate within a few days after the exam.

Show your Qt expertise and get certified today!

If you have any further queries about certification, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Blog Topics:


0 points
125 months ago

AHOU !!!!!

Daniel Lohse
0 points
125 months ago

Unfortunately, trying to install the Qt Enterprise Evaluation on OS X Yosemite.

»Could not download archive: Error downloading - server replied: Not Found«

Have tried this morning (11am UTC) as well as just now (2pm UTC) without any luck. Offline packages are not available yet for Qt 5.4 and OS X.

Any pointers?

Tuukka Turunen
0 points
125 months ago

@Daniel Lohse: There is a problem with Mac online installer. We are currently working to fix this. Sorry for inconvenience. Due to sync times needed to get this fixed, best if you can try this again tomorrow.

Daniel Lohse
0 points
125 months ago

Alright, thanks for the fast reply! :)

Michael Lykke
0 points
125 months ago

Great. Is the source version QtCharts 2.0 for enterprise users going to be available for us that builds from source?

Jani Heikkinen
0 points
125 months ago

src packages for enterprise add-on components will be available with final release

0 points
125 months ago

"Qt 5.4 RC packages also contains Qt Creator 3.3 RC and in commercial packages candidates for new commercial value-add items as well."

Sadly the online installer doesn't.

Jani Heikkinen
0 points
125 months ago

Yeah, unfortunately we cannot add Qt Creator RC packages available via online installer at the moment. It will be available via online installer when final version is released

0 points
125 months ago

What is the meaning of these warnings when starting a new project in Qt Creator. Do they denote a problem or is it normal:
Warnings while parsing QML type information of D:/SDKs/Qt/5.4/mingw49132/imports/QtWebKit:
Failed to parse "D:/SDKs/Qt/5.4/mingw491
Error: 1:1: Expected token numeric literal' Warnings while parsing QML type information of D:/SDKs/Qt/5.4/msvc2013_64/imports/QtWebKit: Failed to parse "D:/SDKs/Qt/5.4/msvc2013_64/imports/QtWebKit/plugins.qmltypes". Error: 1:1: Expected tokennumeric literal'

0 points
125 months ago

Building from git (a few days ago), Qt 5.4.x android-x86 seems entirely broken.

Specifically in the construction of QQmlEngine. Has this been tested?

0 points
125 months ago

Still SIGSEGV in runnig an android-x86 QML app.

Very easy to replicate by creating a new stock QML app in QtCreator and try deploying onto Android-x86 device. Immediate SIGSEGV in void QV8Engine::initializeGlobal(): line 537 when constructing the QV4::Scoped result(...) using FREEZE_SOURCE.

I suspect the recent vararg changes is causing this segfault for x86 Android. No issues on ARM.

Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
0 points
125 months ago


Could you please report bug findings in http://bugreports.qt-projec...

Thanks! :)

Robin Lobel
0 points
125 months ago

Is there a reason you keep VS2013 OpenGL-only builds (since dynamic OpenGL builds are also available for VS2013) ?

Jani Heikkinen
0 points
125 months ago

It was agreed to start using -opengl dynamic by replacing old -angle configurations with it. If all goes OK I don't see any reason to continue keeping those separate opengl installers in 5.5 anymore

Kari T
0 points
125 months ago

What about GStreamer 1.0 support in QtMultimedia? GStreamer 0.10 has been abandoned since 2013!

0 points
125 months ago

thanks a lot for your work
still no plans for mingw64 binaries?

Jani Heikkinen
0 points
125 months ago

No plans to deliver minGW64 binaries at the moment. As I wrote earlier we cannot increase amount of binary installers anymore and so on 32bit version is good compromise.

Malek Khlif
0 points
125 months ago

Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Gooooooood :)))

0 points
125 months ago

windows x86 opengl not QWebEngine module? Why? forget?

Stefan Fröberg
0 points
125 months ago

What is the lowest x86 machine that can run apps compiled against this? Pentium 3 ?

0 points
125 months ago

Is QtCanvas3D planned to be released alongside Qt 5.4?

Tuukka Turunen
0 points
125 months ago

@mike: Yes, as a technology preview.

0 points
125 months ago

The accessible widgets and quick plugins are missing on Windows mingw. I hope it's a bug https://bugreports.qt-proje...

Ed Sutton
0 points
125 months ago

Qt5.4 RC Android builds now display QTableWidget headers and QGraphicsView as all black. I had never seen this problem under Qt 5.4 Beta.

I was hoping to find a Qt example that replicates the problem but unfortunately the Qt 5.4 RC item view examples do not build on Android. Many errors on invalid character. I tried coloreditorfactory, frozencolumn, and editable tree model examples.

Fortunately I have not emptied my trash of Qt5.4 beta yet.


J-P Nurmi
0 points
125 months ago

Hi Ed, this was an unfortunate regression caused by the fix to https://bugreports.qt-proje.... The good news is that the regression has been already fixed (https://codereview.qt-proje...) and should be available in the final 5.4.0 release.

0 points
125 months ago

Do you still plan to release Qt3D?

0 points
125 months ago

wht MinGW 4.9.1 included is not last version
who is 4.9.2?

Tom Rezek
0 points
125 months ago

Qt5.4 RC fails to compile my project that compiled under Qt5.3.2 because it has more than one qrc file in the project.

When there are more than one qrc files in a project, qtquickcompiler fails on manglenamespace due to redefinition of "qInitResourcesC".

Here is the result when you alter the Qt example "rssnews" to pull the qml files from a second qrc file, in this case named rrrnews2:

int QTMANGLENAMESPACE(qInitResourcesC)() {
return 1;
int QT
MANGLENAMESPACE(qInitResourcesC)() {
return 1;

Tom Rezek
0 points
125 months ago

I can reproduce the qtquickcompiler bug in the 5.4rc1 example "customparticle" simple by checking "Enable Qt Quick Compiler" in the qmake build steps.

Adrian Gabureanu
0 points
125 months ago

1) Is sound supposed to work now on Windows Phone or WinRT? I, for one, haven't been successful in playing sounds, regardless of their source or the QML type used.

2) Will there be any tutorials on how to mix C# and Qt C++ ? Or at least some sample apps on GitHub?

3) I've noticed a new add-on: Qt Quick 2D Renderer. Any documentation on how to use it and trigger its functionality?

0 points
125 months ago

Does this version of Qt let users use the translucent surfaces from OS X Yosemite? This is something I would really like to be able to use for a Python program

0 points
125 months ago

Does At 5.4 support OSX/iOS app extension? Like today, Share, etc.


0 points
125 months ago

Sorry, I will mean Qt 5.4