The Qt World Summit 2017 featured great keynote speakers, #BuiltwithQt customer keynotes and sessions on a wide range of inspiring topics and here are the recordings and the photo gallery from this year's biggest Qt event made available for easy and fast viewing.

Qt World Summit sold out this year and for those of you who couldn't get a ticket, want to re-live the experience or simply could not be at two sessions you were interested in, running simultaneously (quite challenging to do), we have made all the recordings available.
Get inspired by our keynote speakers from this year's event and watch recordings from:
- Juha Varelius, CEO of The Qt Company opening the show and providing some insight on why Qt has so much potential and relevance in our everyday life.
- Lars Knoll, Chief Maintainer of Qt and CTO of The Qt Company discussing the current and next steps of where Qt is going
- Herb Sutter, Leading C++ authority and chair of the ISO C++ standards committee, talked about recent and relevant topics in the C++ world.
- Linda Liukas, Programmer, Storyteller and children's book author who spoke about how we can move towards a more humane tech industry
- Dr. Steven Goldfarb from the CERN ATLAS experiment who talked about how to answer the most profound questions humanity has
- Igor Beuker, Entrepreneur & Trendwatcher and his take on the trends in software, how businesses need to switch their mindset and how the "Math Men" are knocking the socks off the "Mad Men" in the world of today's business.

#BuiltwithQt Customer Keynotes
Qt is truly everywhere and used in a large variety of industries and use cases. This year's event featured customer keynotes from leading brands within the gaming industry, consumer electronics, cancer research and automotive customers who all build with Qt. Take a look:
- Daimler: Behind the scenes of a show car: Rapid UI/UX prototyping and production by Alex Hilliger, Senior Manager Advanced Graphics and rendering
- Panasonic ITS: The Future of Vehicle HMI Systems by Takayuki Tanabe, CEO, Development Center Chief
- Hasselblad: Using Qt to Build Next Generation Intuitive High-End Cameras by Richard Röjfors, Senior Developer
- Quantitative Imaging Systems: The Next Frontier in Battling Cancer by Michel Nederlof, CEO
- Amazon Lumberyard: Game Engine Evolution: From Tech to UX by Alex Montgomery, Game Engine Tools Specialist
- Qualcomm: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Embedded Devices by Justin Howard, Senior Staff

Sessions & Tracks
Qt World Summit has something for everyone we split all our sessions into tracks. Check out the recordings based on the track that interests you the most:
- Application Development
- Embedded
- Graphics and 3D
- Technical Deep Dive
- Automotive
- Automation
- Medical
- Business
With that I hope you will enjoy watching the videos and share the link with your peers!