It is the time of the year, when we can all take a moment to think who has been the most helpful, incredible, kind, skilled and friendly person in the Qt community.
Qt Champions is a way to recognize the individuals who strive to help the community most. They can be found in different places and doing different things, but they are all united in their drive to make Qt a friendly and helpful community.
Past Qt Champions include among others, Samuel Gaist, who has always been helpful and friendly on the forum, and has more posts than anyone else. Iori Ayane, who has written and translated several books into Japanese, and is a key person in the Japanese Qt scene. Robin Burchell, who is a long time Qt contributor doing excellent work in the code base. And Johan Thelin and Jürgen Bocklage-Ryannel, the authors of the QML book.
In addition to the recognition that the Qt Champion title brings, the champions get a full Qt license for a year, invitations to next years main Qt event and naturally an awesome Qt Champion t-shirt!
So if you have ideas on who should be this years Qt Champion, head over to the Wiki to make your Qt Champion nominations!