Last May we had the first Qt Wiki Week, where we worked on making the Qt Wiki more readable and improved the place overall. And the frontpage got a major overhaul by Wieland.
The week was fun and now we are doing it again. The second ever Qt Wiki Week will take place two weeks from now, starting Monday 21.3.2016.
The Qt Forum Wiki discussion area is the place to bring in ideas to improve the Qt Wiki and things to do during the week.
You can participate from anywhere, and help make the Qt Wiki a better place for everyone from beginners to hard core Qt developers!
Mark your calendars!
hi, i really liked the screenshot composer demo but it is not in the dojo repository. is it possible to make it available?
Thanks for the videos, I usually cannot attend those events, so it's nice watch them.
PS: I'm in shock. Am I seeing KDE's founder using Gnome? Is the laptop with the KDE Sticker his?
@victor noagbodji: That's "Screenie". Ariya put it on http://screenie.googlecode....
Great stuff... Love Ariya presentation. It was mentioned by Ariya that the code is already available ! Can you please point us in the right direction?
@eric Most of the demos can be found in the Qt Labs repositories: ."graphics-dojo" has most of the demos you saw in the talk. "wolfenqt" is the 3D-demo. Some of the demos are included in (the upcoming) Qt 4.6's examples/demos.
Guys, why sound is so extremely bad? No good micro?
@Uku: You guessed it right, bad micro :) Actually, it was a spontaneous decision to record the talks. I did not have the direct audio from the micros which the Trolls used. So, the built-in micro of the camera had to pick up the sound from the room. That causes ambient noise and delay.
And if you don't want to miss future Graphics Dojo demos, put in your bookmarks!