It was a great weekend in Oslo, 5-7th June!
Over a hundred Qt contributors gathered right next door to The Qt Company offices to talk about the current state and future of Qt.
The Friday pre-event drew a good crowd, who met up at The Qt Company offices. As the weather was nice, we went out for a picnic in the nearby park. This set the feeling of Qt Contributors' Summit well, as it is a gathering of a community
The program for the weekend contains the session notes. The topics ranged from the upcoming QtCreator UI style changes to long term support in Qt. Every session drew an active crowd and there were many discussions. Between every session there was time to talk in the hallways, a very important part of a good Qt Contributors' Summit.
For those of you who were taking notes in sessions, if you haven't yet, please go and update the notes for the session on the wiki. Also for at least the more technical sessions, please post the notes to the Development mailing list, so as to make sure people who need to see the notes really do see them.
Memorable things from this years summit include the strong attendance from Japan, three community members present. We also had three of the current four Qt Champions present at the same time!
The Saturday evening event was held together with The Qt Company and local old trolls. The venue had a nice sunny balcony, and people enjoyed themselves after a long day of sessions.
I want to thank everyone who made this Qt Contributors' Summit a great event. Our sponsors; The Qt Company, Intel, Boundary Devices, ICS, Froglogic,KDAB, e-Gits and Pelagicore. And Aliz and Anca from The Qt Company offices were an invaluable help in the event practicalities.
But most of all, thank you to everyone who attended.
Hope to see you all in Berlin at the Qt World Summit!