New Qt Wiki Now Available

We are continuing our site unification to and we have now migrated the content from and today opened up the new Qt Wiki under We invite all of you to start editing the new Qt Wiki under using the new MediaWiki implementation.

This is the first phase launch of the wiki under its new home, and therefore, you may find some things currently missing or not quite like they were before under There are a variety of reasons for the latter. One main one is that our goal has been to make things easier than they have been before, providing wiki users a better editing experience, as well as more flexibility.

MediaWiki is is one of the standard wiki formats, which is a more familiar format to use for many than the wiki that has been used under

MediaWiki benefits:

  • Open source platform
  • Active development of the platform
  • A wide range of plugins to extend the wiki functionality
  • Version control
  • Better tools to follow and automate working on the wiki

What you will find different

In this new wiki, we will all be able to keep track of active editors directly in MediaWiki where it will be easier to follow who has edited what and when, as well have better control of versions.. Unfortunately, in this first phase, you will notice that the edit history of past articles has not been migrated over. As the old wiki system (Expression Engine) and MediaWiki are very different it has proven very difficult for the migration team to combine history from the old system into the new one. Our team will continue to look at this as we move along to see how we can best manage this. However, we do feel that manage wiki posts and edits from now and in the future will be much better, which outweighs in part the possible loss of past article history.

Using Qt Account for editing

The biggest change that the wiki introduction brings to you as a user, is that we are moving to using Qt Account as the identity and login service for the wiki.

Qt Account is in essence the gateway to what we are building as a new Qt developer portal. We have already started using it for commercial evaluators and customers in the past year. Currently, the Qt Account web portal provides users with license information, account and payment options. It is also provides access to The Qt Company Support Center where commercial users can submit support issues.

This is just the beginning, however. Our goal is to add valuable Qt information and resources, early access benefits, programs and the like into the Qt Account developer portal, making it your one-stop-shop for up-to-date Qt info and goodies.
I'll say something in big bold letters here:

When you start to edit, you will need to create a Qt Account. Please make sure to use the same email as you had on, that way you will get your nickname to come along with you.

Previously you logged into the wiki with your account details. Now you will be directed to the Qt Account login page.

If you do not yet have a Qt Account, you can create an account from the login page. If you have been active on, your username has been reserved for you, if you use the same e-mail address as on

Our next item to migrate over is the Forums. When they move, they will also use Qt Account for login services. This is also the reason to use the same email on Qt Account as you did in When the forums migrate under, your nickname and posts will move with you. However, please note that if you use a different email, we can't connect your nickname automatically.

Migrated content

The old wiki contained over 3000 pages, which were processed and migrated to the new wiki. Some of the pages are quite old, but we know people work on old platforms and with old software releases, so we didn't intentionally delete pages.

Some old pages were not migrated, but that decision was based on browsing data. If the page had very low, or no, visitors in the past year, it was deemed to be of low value and sadly left behind.

As with any migration there are some few issues. We are aware of challenges in at least the following:

  • Image links are broken.
  • Code blocks have been split into parts
  • Special characters have been encoded as HTML character codes
  • The way Category pages used to work is not the way MediaWiki works, so some Category pages contain double information

Therefore, we would be grateful if you could help us with the following:

Cleaning up the content

If you maintain or edit a page(s), please have a look next time when you edit to see whether there are issues on the page. Open the same page on the old wiki and take a look if something is missing or if it looks wrong, and please fix it.

We opened a wiki page where you can mark your page updated. Once you have looked at a page and edited it to an up-to-date state, please take a minute to add it tothe page list here. (I will be looking at the page edits and updating the page, but I do appreciate if you help me out there)

A helpful page that the wiki itself provides is the list of pages with broken links. If you can help out, you can go through the pages listed there and grab the content/links from the old wiki and upload it to the new wiki. We now have proper image uploading in the new wiki, a great new benefit. Also if you do not wish to upload images to the Qt Wiki, we enabled linking to external images, by just pasting the direct image link to the wiki text, this should be practical for logos and images which may change.

Also, if your favourite page did not make it to the new wiki due to very low visitor count in the past year, we encourage you to re-create the page on the new wiki.

Old wiki still available

The old wiki will stay open for reading until the end of March. That means that you have a month to make sure your favourite pages have not lost content in the move.

After that, the old wiki will be retired and redirects will be set in place.

We really appreciate your help in cleaning up the content and also welcome your feedback. It is lots of content, so we can’t do it alone. Thanks for your help and support!

Blog Topics:


0 points
122 months ago

How do one delete pages or where can we list pages that should be deleted?

The issue:

It is the same page with different capitalisation in the names. I have fixed the top one but the other one must now be removed

Tero Kojo
0 points
122 months ago

Thank you, that looks good.

I made a redirect, as it was better for an existing page.
Mediawiki redirects are of the form:

REDIRECT [[PageName]

The simplest way to mark pages for deletion is to add them to the category delete, I'll promise to watch out for that category.
To add a page there, just add:
[[Category:Delete]] to the page.

0 points
122 months ago

I've just tried to edit something to fix formatting errors, but your registration process forced me to abandon this idea.

It is extremely annoying and prying:
* Why do you these passwords requirements? Even my bank has more relaxed rules.
* Why on earth would I need to disclose my employer, city and phone number to edit some wiki pages?

Don't get me wrong, this is a great initiative, but this level of bureaucracy is just intolerable.

Tero Kojo
0 points
122 months ago
  1. The password requirements are pretty standard. Would they feel easier if they were stated in another way? (for example: "Begin a sentence which contains a number", that is already above the requirements)

  2. Name and email are required. The rest is up to you. Which page were you on to get such a list of required info?

A little bit of info is needed to create mutual trust, I would not call a password, your name (not shown to anyone else) and email address (again not shown) bureaucracy.

P.S. We obviously don't have the same bank, and I honestly would not use a bank that would have our password policies, they need to be way more strict at banks.

Tero Kojo
0 points
122 months ago

Oh, something set all the details as mandatory in an update.
That's our bad, we'll fix it right away.

Sorry about that, yes asking all those details is too much.