Qt Cloud Services at Contributors Summit

Greetings from Qt Contributors Summit!

How's it going? We just had a session about Qt Cloud Services here at Qt Contributors Summit and it was great! In our session, we demoed the brand new Managed Runtime service and got very good feedback from the people. With our Managed Runtime service you can write and deploy your server-side software written with Qt or a number of other programming languages in a matter of minutes.

Want to see how it works? Check the video at https://vimeo.com/97709588.

In case you want to know more details, check the Qt Contributors Summit presentation at http://www.slideshare.net/qtcloudservices/qtc-managedruntimes.

The service will become available for public by end of June 2014. If you want early access, sign-up at https://qtcloudservices.com/early-access.

Hope to see you in Qt cloud soon! If you have any questions, just let me know!

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