What an event so far! Over 600 people were jammed in to the Qt Developer Days 2013 Berlin keynote speeches this morning and the level of excitement was high. Kalle Dalheimer from KDAB gave an uplifting welcome setting the stage for 2 days of Qt love and fun.
Digia announced an extremely exciting piece of information. Tommi Laitinen, SVP International Products at Digia gave a first-glimpse announcement about the upcoming Qt Mobile Edition.
What is the Qt Mobile Edition, you ask?
The Qt Mobile Edition is a full mobile app development offering from Digia that lets indie developers, small companies and app development houses build amazing multi-platform native mobile apps for Android & iOS with one affordable Qt package.
- Full Qt libraries and development tools for unbeatable native performance and maximum developer efficiency
- Cross-platform environment for Android & iOS app development (plus other mobile platforms to be added soon)
- Built-in Qt-optimized cloud data storage & user management (Enginio Qt Cloud)
- Commercial development and deployment license simplifying application distribution
- Unlimited application development support from Digia experts
- Subscription-based self-service model starting at $149 per month per user license
We know Qt is the best development framework out there and we want to make sure that all developers in all corners of the world are able to easily and inexpensively get their hands on it. That is why we have designed the Qt Mobile Edition – Qt everywhere for everyone. You can easily develop, deploy and host your mobile app for the leading mobile OSs with one convenient package and at the same time avoid any legal missteps. So, all you have to focus on is creating your app and you can rest assured it will be cross-platform, conveniently hosted and easily uploaded to the leading stores.
Qt Mobile Edition will be available later this year following the release of the next major update to the framework, Qt 5.2, in December.
Don’t fear. We will provide a free trial version of the Qt Mobile Edition to make sure you have the time to evaluate just how great it is before you purchase.
To sign up to receive information about the Qt Mobile Edition and its launch, make sure to visit http://qt.digia.com/qtmobileedition.
Let us know what you think and stay tuned!