Qt Commercial Charts 1.0.0 Beta released

We have now reached one intermediate step before final release of the Qt Commercial Charts. The beta version is now available in the Qt Commercial Customer portal for download. We would also like to thank all for the feedback we have received from the tech preview version.

From a functionality perspective, the biggest changes are in the QML API, but of course, there are a lot of small new features in all the chart types. We have also refactored some of the implementation and that work will continue as we approach the final release.

Main Changes between Preview and Beta

  •  QML API now defined and mostly implemented.
  • QBarSeries now enables defining the bar placement in the X-Axis. This enables, for example, drawing synchronized line and bar series. The previous implementation of the QBarSeries is now a new series type called QGroupedBarSeries
  • Model API has been refactored and moved from the series classes to separate model mapper classes
  • First version of Qt Designer plugin included
  • We have included an example for handling gestures (pinch zoom and panning) in the charts application


QML Charts

The QML API is one of the main areas where there is a lot of new functionality in the beta when compared to the tech preview version. We have tried to create as intuitive and QML- like API as possible and also placed a lot of thought on how to integrate the different data sources into a QML application.

Thanks for the feedback

We have received a lot of feedback from the preview through the quick survey we conducted and also through our support and sales channels. Some of the findings and requests we have already included in the beta and some are planned to be included in the upcoming final release. However we are not for example planning on including any new chart types in the final release. We will be putting together a roadmap for the future releases so we encourage you to continue sending us feedback and “voting” for new functionality that you would like to see in upcoming releases.



Not a Qt Commercial Customer Yet?

You can test out the Qt Commercial Charts 1.0.0 Beta and the rest of Qt Commercial by downloading a 30-day free evaluation of Qt Commercial 4.8.2. Let us know what you think!
