Digia delivers open source version of Qt 4.6.4

A few weeks ago we saw Digia release an update to the Qt 4.6 series, introducing Qt 4.6.4 for commercial customers. Digia has contributed this release to Nokia and Nokia has now released Qt 4.6.4 under the LGPL. You can get the binary packages on the usual Qt downloads page, or you can get the source from Gitorious.

Read their blog post for an overview of what Qt 4.6.4 includes.

Blog Topics:


Jonathan Liu
0 points
167 months ago

The Qt libraries 4.6.4 for Mac (Cocoa) link is broken and the Qt libraries 4.6.4 for Windows (VS 2008) link is missing on Qt downloads page.

Alexandra Leisse
0 points
167 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it now.

Richard Patek
0 points
166 months ago

Is there some place where can we report bugs in QT 4.6.4 ?

0 points
166 months ago

I am scratching my head about this release. What is the difference between open source Qt 4.6 released by Digia and the one present at qt.nokia.com ( Open source 4.7). Except the latter one is latest.
Also since Nokia has the open source version of Qt then why Digia is releasing the open source version of 4.6?

0 points
166 months ago

"When deploying a business critical solution, it is not always possible to change to the latest version of Qt."
Digia is providing a service to those who cannot switch to 4.7 - for various reasons.

Ankit Agarwal
0 points
165 months ago


There was a new today that Nokia is going to kill Symbian in North America.

website : http://allthingsd.com/20110...

Also, it seems that N9 is the last handset in the meego series.

My question : Where do we see Qt heading?

Thanks and Regards,