Qt SDK 1.1 beta released

You probably have read about all the releases, which happened today already. With Qt 4.7.2 a lot of improvements and fixes for Qt Quick have been published. Qt Mobility 1.1.1 includes updates for the supported platforms. Qt Creator 2.1 will allow you to create and design your QML applications from within the IDE nicely.

What has been missing so far is a nice and convenient way to get the whole package, namely the SDK.

Hereby we would like to announce immediate availability of the Qt SDK 1.1 beta. As mentioned in our previous release, the Qt SDK describes a merger between the Nokia Qt SDK, which provided a development environment for mobile targets, and the Qt Desktop SDKs. This allows you to develop applications for all platforms, which Qt supports. Compared to the Technology Preview we have included a significant amount of updates, namely:

  • Qt 4.7.2 for Symbian ^1 and Symbian ^3
  • Qt 4.7.2 for the Desktop
  • Qt 4.7.2 for the Qt Simulator
  • Qt Mobility 1.1.1 for Symbian^1, Symbian^3 and the Qt Simulator
  • Qt Creator 2.1 final
  • Qt Simulator 1.1 beta
  • Updates to the Symbian Complementary package, providing the toolchain and build tools for the Symbian platforms

For the Linux and Mac platforms we have also added the sis packages for Symbian, so that developers using the Remote Compiler can install Qt from their development host of choice as well. A full changelog is located in the installation package.

You can download the packages on the Forum Nokia pages or directly here on following links:

Platform Online Installer Offline Installer
Microsoft Windows 15MB 1,6GB
Linux 32bit 23MB 686MB
Linux 64bit 23MB 687MB
Mac OS-X 12MB 653MB

If you encounter any problem, please create an entry in our bugtracker at http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com . Please note that the comment section on this article does not suit for handling bug reports and items might be over-read or lost.

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