Qt Developer Days 2010 is rapidly approaching. Each week on this blog we will feature highlights from this year’s program, starting today with some keynote news.
We are excited to welcome Dreamworks Animation as one of our external keynotes this year. Kenn LeGault, Director of R&D at DreamWorks Animation, is presenting at both events, giving a unique behind-the-scenes look at how Qt helps them make the apps that make the movies.
On top of this, DreamWorks Animation will go even deeper into the ways they use Qt to develop their NxG Lighting tool, at a Qt in Use session hosted by Principal Software Engineer Gene Ragan.
Hearing Qt in animation insights from the studio behind Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, How To Train Your Dragon and many more promises to be a highlight of Qt Developer Days this year.
To make sure you are there to hear it, register for Qt Developer Days now. Register before September 15th (Munich) and September 29th (San Francisco) to take advantage of the Early Bird pricing and save EUR/USD 200.
Other Qt Developer Days news
Our crowdsourced t-shirt designs have been reviewed, and we now have a shortlist.
Jump on to our Qt Developer Network and vote now for your favourite, and we will print the winning design as our official show t-shirt for Qt Developer Days 2010. Thanks to everybody that submitted designs.
To read more about Qt Developer Days 2010 sessions, tracks, pricing and more, visit http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2010.