Those of you using our excellent new Qt Developer Network site will have seen Alex’s post about our super fun idea for Qt Developer Days 2010...the Dev Days T-shirt design showdown!
Yes, you read that correctly. We are handing over creative control of our precious Dev Days T-shirt and asking YOU to come up with the freshest, cleverest and most (insert hip adjective) Qt T-shirt ever.
We will pick the best 3-5 designs and then put them to a public vote – the design with the most votes will be crowned as the official Dev Days T-shirt for 2010 and be printed up for the event. More than 1000 of the shirts will then be given out at Dev Days in Munich and San Francisco!
PLUS, there’s more…the person behind the winning design will get a free pass to Dev Days in either Munich or San Francisco.
Time is short, so get to work. Head to [closed] to see the rules and to upload your masterpiece.
Good luck!