Our friends at Forum Nokia are nice people. Each year they create a fantastic opportunity for developers to put their apps for Nokia devices to the test in the Calling All Innovators competition.
The opportunities and rewards on offer are amazing. Big cash prizes across multiple categories, inclusion in a multi-million dollar marketing campaign for the overall winner (yes you read that correctly) and even separate prizes by country.
As I said, they are nice people. So nice that when one of us said to one of them at the Christmas party 'hey, put a really awesome cash prize for the best Qt app into your competition'.....they took us seriously and went ahead and did it.
And it's not just any prize either; it's a big one. The best Qt app submitted to Calling All Innovators 2010 will win USD $50,000. Cash.
So our message to you is this - don't make us look bad.
We talked a good game about how great Qt apps would be for this competition and Forum Nokia believed us and put up a magnificent prize. It's going to be a really lonely time for us at the next corporate BBQ if the Qt apps don't pour in to this competition and justify our big talk :)
Of course I'm just joking about how this prize came about. The truth is that the guys behind Forum Nokia are right behind Qt and want to see the best possible Qt apps submitted this year. It's a fantastic opportunity for any Qt developer.
There will already be some great Qt apps that have been submitted, but for the rest of you, it's not too late. If you are thinking of entering, you still have a week to do it. There's a great opportunity out there waiting to be taken.
Good luck!
Read more about Calling All Innovators here.