Qt 4.7.0 Beta1
May 06, 2010 by Jason McDonald | Comments
Qt 4.7.0 Beta1 is now available for download from the Qt Download Page. The Beta includes both source packages (.zip and .tar.gz format) and binary packages (for Mac Cocoa, Mac Carbon, MinGW 4.4.0 and Visual Studio 2008).
Note that there is a slight change in the naming of Mac packages compared to Qt 4.6.x -- The Carbon packages are now named "qt-mac-carbon-opensource-*", while the Cocoa packages are now named "qt-mac-opensource-*". This reflects the fact that Cocoa is now the primary Mac platform for Qt. Binary packages for Carbon will be discontinued from Qt 4.8 onwards, but will continue to be shipped for the remainder of the 4.7.x series.
For those who wish to use the public git repository from http://qt.gitorious.org/ in preference to downloading a source package, a "v4.7.0-beta1" tag will appear soon.
The purpose of the Beta release is to help us gather feedback on the quality of the 4.7 branch, particularly in terms of stability, performance and documentation. This will enable us to focus our resources on fixing those issues that concern users the most and to decide whether the next step towards the public 4.7.0 release should be a Release Candidate or another Beta.
If you would like to provide feedback, you can do so using the Qt Bug Tracker. If you want to contribute code, documentation or autotests to Qt, all the information you need to get started can be found at: http://qt.gitorious.org/.
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Do you mean that Carbon is still the main platform in Qt 4.6? Do you have any instructions how to use Cocoa instead of Carbon in Qt 4.6?
Visual Studio 2008.... How about VC10?
How can I install 4.7 beta and still keep 4.6 and switch between them?
@stephenju: You're supposed to just be able to install it to a different directory. If you're using Qt Creator, you'll set them up as different Qt versions, allowing you to quickly switch between them in your project settings.
Thanks for the quick response. I will give it a try.
>> Cocoa is now the primary Mac platform for Qt
Does that mean that all Qt tools are now using Cocoa (Qt Creator, designer, linguist, ...)? Which would be a good signal for us, that Cocoa's implementation is fine and stable?
@Chris: There is MSVC 10 support already for Makefiles in the 4.7beta, as for vcproj files this was added the 4.7 beta and will be in the next release of 4.7.0.
Great! I started compiling it already.
I would like to have a switch in "configure" to exclude all demos and examples from the build. I have the feeling they take at least 80% of the overall compile time; that's several hours. Is there a simple central place in the makefiles where I can turn off their build?
@Dom: ./configure -nomake examples -nomake demos
There are such switches:
-nomake tools
-nomake examples
-nomake demos
-nomake docs
-nomake translations
There isn't an option to install to a different directory with Mac binaries. It always installs into the Library path, overwriting the previous version.
@Philippe: Yes, all tools shipping with Qt as well as Qt Creator are now also built with Cocoa.
@stephenju: you need to download the sources and compile if you want to install somewhere else on the Mac.
This is great news for Mac users. Cocoa implementations look much more "blended" with the rest of the Apple apps now. It is critical for true native (and native-looking) applications.
Please, also update us when possible about compatibility issues with Visual Studio 2010.
@Thiago Macieira: Yes. I am building it right now. But it takes a looooong time...
The odbc sql driver failed to build on my machine (msvc-2008), via configuring with -qt-sql-odbc. This wasn't an issue for me with 4.7-tp1 or any previous version of qt.
@Ian Ross: Please raise a bug report at http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com with Component == SQL. Please also include your full configure line so the Qt SQL team can figure out whether it's a general issue or an interaction of multiple configure switches.
When are you guys going to fix the Mac installer so that we can do side-by-side installs just like as on Windows and Linux? The mac version seems to be the poor relation. Is there some platform-specific reason why this cannot be done? I cannot use your installers without blitzing my current version so I have download the source and build myself. I shouldn't have to do this these days.
Hmmm, i start compile qt4.7 beta with such flags -static -no-exceptions -openssl -I "mypathtosslinluced" -L "mypathtossllib" under windows , and finally i faced with such problem "./mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -ljscore" and google didn't give me any response .... ? Can't anybody help me resolve this ?
Btw, Qt from version to versions starts looks as perfect developing solutions, thx ....
@Danny: And Mac binary download still doesn't include Qt source files so I can't step into Qt functions like I can with Windows download. A side-by-side sandbox install may make it easier like on the Windows.
I found why ld cann't find jscored and jscore, becouse they didn't copyed to lib folder, manual coping them solves the compiling problem.
@stephenju Yes they need to bring the mac distro up to spec with the Windows and 'Nix editions. The recent work on the Cocoa port has been fantastic but it's all for nothing if someone doesn't spend a few hours tweaking the installer.
The 4.7beta works with visual Studio 2010, but without the VS-add-in it's basically useless for real projects.
Is there a timeframe for updating the add-in to support vs2010?
Or is the intention that Qt will be Qt-creator only?
I agree with the above, I have had limited success with Qt4.6.x and MSVC2010.
But the efforts for the Qt Addin for MSVC should be updated along with the beta of 4.7.
Please don't ignore this wonderful feature.
while installing qt-4.7 beta version I am getting make errors :
make[1]: *** [../../../../lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.7.0] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore'
make: *** [sub-webkit-make_default-ordered] Error 2
is there any news for MS VC 2010 plugin?
@mgb: why would you say it's useless without the visual studio plugin?
Don't forget that you can generate visual studio solution files using qmake from the command line with the qmake -tp vc -r command. I use Qt on a daily basis in visual studio (including 2010) and have never used the VC plugin.
Can you Explain more about this command (qmake -tp vc -r) and how to use it.