We want your feedback! Qt User Survey 2010

Tell us what you think of Qt and enter to win a Nokia N900!

It is that simple. As part of our ongoing efforts to better understand our users’ and community’s development needs, we are conducting our annual Qt User Survey. This is your chance to tell us what you think of Qt and what we can do to make it the best application and UI framework of all times.

If you complete the survey, you will be in the running to win one of the 50 Nokia N900s we are raffling off. Yoo-hoo!

We promise that you will not take this survey in vain. With your feedback we will be able to improve the quality and performance of Qt and offer better documentation, services and programs that will help you to develop customizable, innovative and amazing user experiences.

It won't take you more than 15 minutes to complete the survey. Get to it - we look forward to your feedback!

Qt User Survey 2010

Blog Topics:


Alexandra Leisse
0 points
182 months ago

Just for the record - the beach shots were taken during the weekend. ;)

Roxanne Horhovitz
0 points
182 months ago


0 points
181 months ago


Will it be possible to package Qt Quick applications to run on other mobile platforms such as iPhone, Android and the Palm Pre?

That would be very very cool!

Henrik Hartz
0 points
181 months ago

@Raymond; We do not have any plans for porting Qt or Quick to other platforms than the ones we currently support. That being said, I've heard rumors that there are some interesting repositories over at http://gitorious.org